For all those who don't know what Pickett's Charge is (canadians), Wikipedia. That's the hill that the attackers (confeds) will be running up to try and plant the bomb. Gametype is still under thought, but we would really like to use single shot weapons.
Uhhh, I understand this is a preview, and I have absolutely no context as to what this "Pickett's Charge" is, but... It... it looks like a big turd. What's on the inside? I feel like that's the playable area?
Lul lull idea is teh scrapped. I just felt like making a hill after seeing amazing mound and mine actually is fairly smooth. Making it an aesthetic turd sounds pretty good though.. I should call it 'Amazing Turd'
I did something like this before... *cough cough* bunker hill *cough cough* Yeah though, it would've been a cool concept, but there really would be nothing to make it too outstanding. If only that hill had cover and an awesome super duper secret underground tunnel system...*hint hint*