In this map the goal for the humans is to is to shoot down the hornet with rocket launchers. The infected have hornets but the drivers can't do any damage, so they have to rely on their passenger to use snipers or spartan lasers to kill the humans in a thing in the sky. I didn't spend as much time on this map as i would have like but going away for a week tomorrow and will update it when i get back. This picture is of a me picking up a custom power-up thats lets you drive but not do any damage. This is the other infected base. Me shooting rocket... MAP : Halo 3 File Details GAMETYPE : Halo 3 File Details you might need to change the alpha zombie count from 2 to 4 depending on amount of players and i forgot to change time limit. MY FIRST MAP POSTED ON FORGEHUB NEVER BEEN TESTED DIDN'T HAVE ANY OTHER PEOPLE ONLINE
well I have to say that this map is original IMO. but it is very open so I guess you have much budget left? you should use the remaining budget to fill up open spaces or/and make your map look cool. from what I can see, is that there is only 1 hornet, maybe you should put more in to make it playable with larger parties. have you already checked forging 101 and 201? that might help you with your maps, well atleast it did for me hope this helps
I have like 1000 budget left and there are two hornets, the hornet in the picture is the sucky base i made in 2 minutes because it was late and i was going to leave, so i wanted to finish it. I made this map in two hours and will update it in a week with the criticism i get leading up to then. I did use many of the forge tutorials because I have made maps for a long time and lot better than this one, I just thought i had struck gold on this idea because I was half asleep. Many of the pictures i took did not register in my screenshots list.
So you admit you could have made your map better, but didn't want to... Anyways, what's stopping someone from just waiting until the Custom Powerup wears off, and then shooting down the enemy team from the comfort of their Hornet. Seriously, just get a Powerup, get into the Hornet, and wait it out. Cheers, HarisSales.