Cavern v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mighty Midgit, Apr 28, 2008.

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  1. Mighty Midgit

    Mighty Midgit Ancient
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    Download Here!
    (if you download, PLEASE make a comment in the map's topic on bungie!)

    Cavern Version 2 is a remake of my first Legendary Map pack map made specifically in the mancannon cave in the center of Avalanche. The previous version found here, clocked a total of 3800+ downloads, 1000 of which came even after the original topic became locked due to bumping by second and third parties. Because of this, I would ask that those who wish to post on the map's topin on, don't say things like "bump" in your post. At least find something constructive to say as I do not want this topic to belocked like the last version of my map was.

    I started on the V2 of CAVERN two days after releasing the original. Because the original was a rushed project, I knew that there was a lot of problems with it. When I started getting good feedback and changes people wanted to see, I started working hard with the second version. It was a long road with a lot of fustration, inlcuding 6 or 7 people claiming I stole this map from them, but I got a lot of help from various forge groups and friends in getting this next version the best it can be. Reguardless of difficulties, things have progressed smoothly and now I have the finished project, What this map was MEANT to be.

    I Present:

    CAVERN V2!


    Mapper: Mighty Midgi7

    Map: Avalanche - The Mancannon Cave

    Size: Small

    Players: 2-8 (you can always play with more if you want ^_^ )

    Affiliated Forge Groups:
    -The Bump List ( Group)
    -Forge For Thought ( Group)

    Total Production time: 32 hours in-game (on and offline)

    Total Playtesting time: 6 hours in-game

    Cavern is an asymmetrical map suspending above the bottomless pit in the mancannon cave on Avalanch. Only forerunner scenery has been used in order to add an atmospheric feel to it. People have described the feel of the map as a combination between Bever Creek and the original Lockout. It is a strange combination if you ask me, but it is what a few people have said. Both mancannons are dissabled by overloading the map and placing ramps in front of them and power cores dot the map in key, strategic places. The use of shield doors is necessary in many places though they are bright. It may take a little time to get use to them for some players.

    This map is based arround 5 main platforms/bases. The first is the blue base in the upper left side of the map, second being the red base in the far back corner on the right. The 3rd and 4th are the mancannon platforms in the front and back of the map. The final is the upturned watchtower base in the center of the map with the sword towwer sitting on top of the left edge of it. All of these are key places used in various gametypes as well as team bases for starting points. The distances between bases, platforms, and other geometry have been measured so that they can be used for techniccal jumps of varrying difficulty. Aside from the power cores, there are no static scenery placed on this map as there is a lack of forerunner themed scenery in this department and they tend to get in the way of gameplay.

    This map is compatable with every gametype on every setting you can immagine. There is literally nothing you cannot play on this map. CTF, Assault, Infection, and Territories play with the Attackers in the red base in the back corner and Defenders in the Blue base in the upper left. Flag Rally (territories), Oddball, and VIP can be played with start points placed for up to 4 teams. KotH can be played with as many teams as wanted.

    A few gametypes that players have commented on as being best on this map are Single Flag CTF, FFA KotH, SWAT, and Team Oddball.

    Tips and Strategies

    Technical Jumps:
    There are about 7 technical jumps on this map that take some skill to make. Many involve crouching at the right time in the jump in order to make them. Some playtesters have called this map more hardcore than lockout because many of these jumps are harder than in that map. Mastering these jumps can be the key to getting to different objectives faster than your opponents.

    Shield Doors:
    Shield doors have been used on this map as floors as well as walls. These doors have certain properties that make them different than other normal geometry. The biggest of which to notice is that plasmas AND spike grenades will ricochet off thes floors and walls just like a frag would if not stronger. Use this to get the more technical grenades arround corners or into bases that they normally would not be able to reach.

    Power Cores:
    Some who have played the original probably noticed the many power cores there were on the map. Thou there are less now, they still serve the same purpose and can be used to chip away a player's shields so you can get an easier kill. Use these to dammage those in turrets or to detach the turrets before one can get to them.

    This seems really genereal but I cannot stress this enough. This is a team map so working together is necessary in order to get the advantage over your opponents. Defense in many gametypes is generally easier than offense so you need to pull out all the tricks in order to get the advantage easier. In many of my 4v4 playtests, one team would lose because 1 player would not follow the lead of the rest of the team.

    Changes from V1

    -attacker base layout has been altered to make it more deffendable as symmetrical gametypes tened to lean a little more towards the blue/defender team
    -pushed the attackers' base back about half a foot to prevent people from falling off the edge when backing up from the teleporter or walking off if the teleporter is blocked
    -shield door walkways have been pushed closer to map geometry to prevent people from falling when accidentaly walking too close to the cave walls
    -leveled the sword tower a little more to make it less uneaven
    -changed the rotation of the barriers used in one of the corners of the sword tower
    -Capped the turret base to prevent camping in oddball, infection, and VIP
    -cleaned up the walkway from the front-side mancannon to the sword tower
    -moved the center platform on the bottom closer to the vertical ramp in front of the mancannon to prevent people from falling off the edge when they missed one of the harder tactical jumps
    -cleaned up the walkway/ramp from the center platform to the right side of the front mancannon
    -straitened the step to the center platform where the shotgun is located
    -Shield doors on the side of the mancannons have been cleaned to prevent people from using them as walkable surfaces
    -altered the angle of the shield door on the right side of blue base to make the entrance a little wider
    -added a ramp on the right side of blue base to prevent people from falling if they miss the jump into blue base or walk too close to the edge
    -power core number has been halfed

    -many troublesome spawns that were either too close to the edge or had objects too close to you which dissoriented many players
    -changed the location of team 4's starts in a few gametypes to prevent them from becoming immediately under fire from the red team after the game starts

    -Removes 4 plasmas to remove grenade spamming
    -added 1 more spike for balance
    -added another mauler on the opposite side of the first for balance
    -rearanged a few weapons to improve balancing
    -regenerator removed due to an interesting glitch that would increase the stream size of the mancannon if the regenerator was placed on it allowing it to grab nearby players and throw them randomly, sometimes off the edge
    -deployable cover added in approximately the same location as the regen

    -oddball started in red base instead fo the center, fixed now
    -reset the VIP go-to points to work with the default 3 point escort gametype
    -altered sizes of hill and territory borders

    Special Thanks and specifically Thomas for help with finding issues with the previous map, helping with some plagerism scandals, and a lot of playtesting time.

    Debo and The Bump List for support and a playtesting

    JBSpudster for his in-depth review stating what needed to be touched up on or fixed as well as support. for help getting my map out there as well as some playtesting. I am also planning on getting a youtube video from them to post in this topic in the future.



    Left Side

    Right Side



    Bases and Structures:

    Blue Base

    Red Base

    Sword Tower

    Turret Tower

    Turret Platform

    Random Angles:

    From top of Red Bace

    From Bottom of Red Base

    From Inside Blue Base

    From Below

    Thanks everyone and PLEASE enjoy ^_^
    #1 Mighty Midgit, Apr 28, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008
  2. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Welcome to ForgeHub Midgit! Now embed all of your pictures. People here are picture whores, myself included, and are too lazy to click links. :p

    EDIT: Forgot to tell you that your topic title should only be the map name, no extra descriptives. My bad.
  3. ChUcK_NoIZIZiS

    ChUcK_NoIZIZiS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cavern looks great. I was thinking about building something in there, but not nearly as in depth as that.

    GREY JORDAN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ooooooo! what a nice idea, its sort of looks like a cut-down version of blackout (minus the amount of ridiculous hiding spots too) nice 9/10 map!
  5. Mighty Midgit

    Mighty Midgit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks guys! why wont it let me edit my title?
  6. Fly

    Fly Ancient
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    this is great
  7. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
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    wooooooooooooooo this is the BEST CAVE MAP I'VE SEEN
    and also I loooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeee long descriptions like yours it tells about every last detail in this map
    4 all of you new 2 forgehub this is a must see on how a description should be written

    with extreme
    bib bob
  8. Mighty Midgit

    Mighty Midgit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks ^_^

    I generally try to make my topics as descriptive as possible. This is also my first post on forgehub. I'm glad I am doing something right. (except for the extra stuff in my title >.<)
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty good from the one pic.
    Embed more and I'll consider downloading.
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I think too many maps are made in this area. I don't know why or how it started. But one thing is, they all look the same...
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Welcome to ForgeHub! This looks like a great map. The post could use a little work, however. The description is awesome, very detailed, but embedding the rest of the screenshots would be better. Its one of the ForgeHub guidelines, which you can check out here. I did however look at the pics and they are impressive. The layout seems pretty unique. You've definitely got my download, and I'll try and get back to ya with some feedback. Oh and I saw you said that you didn't know how to change the title. When you go to Edit Post, click on Go Advanced and you should be able to change it from there. Other than those two things you nailed your first map post. I'm looking forward to seeing your future work
  12. Mighty Midgit

    Mighty Midgit Ancient
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    I embedded the remaing screenshots. I wasn't able to before because I was on a friends computer when I posted this and I didn't have the time ^_^ I also edtited the title as I was told not to have extras besides the map's name.

    I'm glad you like the map!

    Truth be told, the reason why so many maps have been made in this area was mostly because of version 1 of this map which was posted the very next day that the map pack came out. Good mappers tried to immitate it and bad mappers tried to steal it ^_^
  13. Sanghelios

    Sanghelios Ancient
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    Looks great. Most of these cavern maps suck, but so far I like this one and Ayleid. The cavern is a great alternative to Foundry for small Slayer maps. This one looks better than Ayleid though. I like the creative use of energy blockers.
  14. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Glad to see you posted this here midget I'am happy with how your map came out I was showing some of my friends earlier and they loved it especialy for SWAT. :) Good job on your map hope to see what you come up with next. :) This is the best cavern map I've seen so far.
  15. Mighty Midgit

    Mighty Midgit Ancient
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    I haven't yet seen Ayleid but I'm glad you like the map! There is sooo much that you can do in there. Not just slayer maps.

    Hey Sid, Thanks for the compliment ^_^
  16. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    Honestly, most people here probably didn't know about Cavern when it first came out, and lots of people started forging in there the first day also. So while I think your view of this map being the catalyst in the ice-cave epidemic is somewhat narrow, I did like this map A LOT when i checked it out. The reason so many people forge in the ice-cave is because its gorgeous, dark, mysterious, and you can fall to your death. The real trick will be avoiding monotony and getting your ice-cave map to stick out amongst the pack, which I think you have done marvelously so far. Of all that i have seen in the ice-cave so far, this one is the best. You've done a really good job of maximizing the playable area in the ice-cave, and the layout is unique. I could see some great CTF Fast (2 minute rounds, 1 flag) games going down here, and I like that its set up for Oddball as well. I think it lends itself very well to this map.

    For all you naysayers out there, this is a great example of what people mean when they say interlocking isn't required. There was a bit of it in the map, but for the most part its non-existent, and it didnt affect the map at all. I commend you for that (althought i think the forerunner pieces lend themselves alot better to non-interlocked maps). But great job overall! Keep forging!
  17. Mighty Midgit

    Mighty Midgit Ancient
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    I knew this was the case but it makes me feel better to say so ^_^ I did, however see a good ammount maps the next day that stated they got their inspiration from mine, but I knew that most did not.

    As for interlocking, I only used it when ABSOLUTELY necessary as interlocking floating objects is an absolute pain in the (insert random bodypart here). It was best to work arround it.
    #17 Mighty Midgit, Apr 29, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008
  18. LXV Grizzly

    LXV Grizzly Ancient
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    The map geometry looks like its great, but the weapons not so hot. Looks like there are way to many power weapons "as far as i can c 2 plasma cannons, sword, sniper, mauler. This looks like to little of a map for all that. I sure hope it plays well
  19. Tinginho

    Tinginho Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks cool must of taken a lot of save and quit
  20. Mighty Midgit

    Mighty Midgit Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Whe weapons are balanced. I have had over 6 hours of playtesting time on this map. Weapons that are stonger have longer respawn times and little to no clip size. Power cores behind the plasma cannons make them less powerfull and carrying them arround on the map is hard enough as mobility is halfed and you can easily get shot at from all sides. The small size of the map makes it chaotic itself but the weapons are not the cause of that ^_^

    As for saves and quits, not as much as you may think. having a second controller makes a load of differences. Watchtower bases and ramps have the same mass and support themselves evenly. Combine that with the pushing power of the spark when holing the items, they tend not to drop. I used watch tower bases and ramps and held them at perfectly hroizontal angels and placed objects on top of eachother to get a lot of the layout done. Most of the detailing like walkways and the like were all done by save and quits. It was tedious work but working smarter is better than working harder.
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