**** yeah. This game just came, pretty cool gui Anybody else get starcraft 2? Hari.414 Aaron.381 Orange.851 --- Anyways, ive only played against the AI, i suck, pretty badly its still fun, and alot more fun than the other RTS i have (halo wars)
You may well be interested in this: Starcraft 2 Added to 2010 MLG Pro Circuit | Major League Gaming I think that's the fastest MLG has ever picked up a game after release (apart from Reach technically, since that's essentially been picked up already and isn't even out yet, but in terms of picking up a new franchise I think it's unprecidented). They're not even waiting for the 2011 season, it's going on the circuit straight away for Raleigh, though you can see why, the competitive precident is bigger than any other game you can name. I'm gonna be interested to watch it on the stream, though I know very little about it so I'll have to watch and learn alot, and I can't really contribute to this discussion much apart from the above. I'll try and get Stefan in here, I'm sure he'll have plenty to say .
Not to my knowledge, it may have had a run in the earlier days but I don't think so, I think it was a little too old by the time MLG started and got around to including PC competition.
MLG in Korea! =D "The computer game StarCraft has an active professional competition circuit, particularly in South Korea" Thanks for including my email in the OP. I haven't done any multiplayer yet, campaign is way to fun. Also, in the lab skill tree, I went Zurg, or w/e. Should have gone the robot people, they have upgrades that KICK MAJOR ASS.
Aaron.381 I think. Not sure if that's right...was stupid enough to pick Aaron because I thought it was a profile name, not a screenname, but whatever.
Harin.414 Beat the campaign twice now! Here's some cheats for shits `n Giggles: TerribleTerribleDamage - More Damage to units and God Mode MoreDotsMoreDots - Nothing costs money WhySoSerious - 5Million Credits for the Hyperion ^--Most useful ones.
Hell if I know, I bought the game. You gave me the trial pass 1 1/2 before I bought it... Ok now i'm stuck, should I research the ability to; A) Vaspene (the green gas) be collected without CVUs (I think it's CVU) B) Bases can now produce 2 CVUs at once. I'm leaning toward A, just because all the upgrades after that are helpful towards that. In saving resources that it.
Just beat the campaign (normal). Last level was fun, wasn't to fond of the ending... Still great. Going to go head and restart on a higher difficulty.... Haven't even touched multiplayer yet, lul.
It's SCV. I always research the Auto-Vespene, mainly because I always forget to put my guys on my Refinery, and three SCV's being taken away from Mineral patches really puts a damper on your resources.
Oh yah I did it, saved my ass. It really helped even building vespene stations at places my bases wasn't at. Side note: I need some peoples to play with =D
Wow how have you guys all beaten the campaign so fast? I just finished the Great Train Robbery mission... really fun, but not particularly difficult on Normal. Is the whole game this easy? I was expecting really hard levels similar to the first one. The story is really interesting so far, and they have really expanded the universe/back-story.
MonsiuerChat.440 (I only realized recently that I spelled 'Monsieur' wrong, after getting it right so many times during the beta. I beat myself up over that one.) This game has been soaking up all of my free time in the days since its release. I've beaten campaign on normal, got Gold League in 1v1, 2v2 and 3v3, and have gotten gold is every challenge mission with the exception of Psionic Assault, in which I have silver. I was fortunate to get into the beta back a couple months ago, so even though I was completely new to Starcraft, I was able to pick it up by the time the game was actually released. Prior to that, my only RTS "experience" was Halo Wars. In short, this game should keep me preoccupied up to Halo Reach's release, and then some.