Hello, I am the Chief Forger for the Halo 3 clan Rated Mature. I decided to come forward and create a profile here to provided and receive insight on Forging, both in Halo 3 and the soon-to-come Halo: Reach. I also have made some maps that I would also like to share with the community.
Hello there Dragon! Do you mind if i call you that, i find RM somewhat tacky when i add it on to the front... but thats just me so i guess it doesnt really matter. Make sure that you take a good read over the forum rules to make sure that you dont get into any trouble, and i hope to see you becoming a very active and well known member of the community!
I don't mind being called Dragon at all. The only reason the RM is there is to signify the clan I am associated with; Rated Mature.
Well, I see no reason to hate me ^_^ I do have a quick question- In your rules you require maps to be linked to your Bungie.net account, not your fileshare; how do you do that?
They jus have to be linked to the actual file. Meaning; if you have it linked to the page that will allow you to que that file for download, rate it, or add a tag then you are in the right place. If it shows more than just that file you are wrong.
Oh, I understand what you mean. So to do an example, not an actual show off (and I will delete it if and when you want me to) This is the correct link to a file: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details