quarantine 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Bloody fox, Aug 1, 2010.

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  1. Bloody fox

    Bloody fox Forerunner

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    Quarantine 2
    Hello. This is my first forgehub map post. My idea for this map was a nightime zombie infested wasteland. A maximum of eight humans (set zombie numbers accordingly) will spawn in a barricaded building with limited weps and ammo. They can choose to stay inside the building or venture out. It is very dark so venturing out can be dangerous but fun. Zombies spawn everywhere including rooftops. If somebody is camping and its hard to kill them then maybe try to find an alternate entrance such as the roof. I will be posting more of my maps shortly.
    The human spawn
    The street
    The office entry
    The gas station

    The pictures arent the greatest so i suggest you download it and see for yourself how fun it can be. My next map i will post is The Fort.
    Map download
    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    Gametype download
    Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
    EDIT: Seeing as the pictures arent working for some reason (working on it) Im going to give a better description. The human spawn has two floors and all windows and exits are barricaded by pallets that do not respawn. The zombies will spawn throughout the map including on rooftops. The map is in the crypt and only utilizes a portion of it. It is very close quarters giving the impression of a zombie infested urban wasteland quarantined off by a wall. It is called quarantine 2 because it is my second version. There is a gas station with a couple mongooses and a warthog though they will not do much good in the cramped streets. The office building is two floors and has a secret entrance in the roof to take out any campers. Near the middle of the town is a small trashed looking area. This area has some weapons and a turret. There is also a small store with a shotty and a armory that has pretty much been looted though still contains some weps.I did not do very much geomerging seeing as the map is dark and people wont see too much of the details. I hope you enjoy this creepy map and remember to set the zombie number so theres only a max of eight humans. This map goes well with lots of players instead of only a few. So I recomend 10-16 players. Enjoy​
    #1 Bloody fox, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  2. Koreboosest Jake

    Koreboosest Jake Forerunner

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    Your map and gametype sounds fun, but your pics aren't working, try using photobucket. I'm sure someone else will post a link to help you out.
  3. TheDeathstr1ke

    TheDeathstr1ke Forerunner

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    You need to right click on the pictures on Bungie.net, and save them. Then create a Photobucket account (It's free!) and upload them to Photobucket. Then get the IMG code (Just copy/paste it) and you're done! Hope that helps.
  4. Bloody fox

    Bloody fox Forerunner

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    I had it all done right but for some reason bungie.net can no longer find the screenshots. Ill have to go onto my account and find out why. Until then please try the game. Its fun.
    If someone could help. Only the screenshots i had in the post arent being found by bungie. all my other screenshots are good. Last night when i uploaded it, the screenshots showed and were good. I would really appreciate assisstance
  5. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Locked until original poster PMs me a link to this post when it's up to our standards.
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