Halo: Reach Rock Band 3 Fable III I don't buy that many new games. I probably won't even get Black Ops. It doesn't look like anything special.
Gears 3 Halo Reach Portal 2 Fallout New Vegas Madden 2010 NHL 2011 Ghost Recon Future Soldier The new L.o.Z. And I still wanna buy Mario Galaxy 2.
^^^ I'll probably rent NHL 2011 and Madden 2010... Also, Brink, Portal 2, and Gears 3 all come out next year....but still all worth looking forward too.
Metroid: The Other M Halo: Reach Rock Band 3 Portal 2 (Next year) Fable 3 Dead Space 2 (Next year?) CoD: Black Ops Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Next year)
Halo: reach(SHOCKER :O) Fable 3 (I have a strange addiction for the series and am pumped for the 3rd) Call of duty: black ops(maybe they get something right) Gears of war 3(My first shooter that I played on my xbox and probably my favorite for matchmaking. Mainly in the first one) Assassins creed: Brotherhood(never played the others but I am definately going to want to play this one because of the multiplayer)
12/17/10 Halo: Reach [Does not Count] Out Since - 9/14/10 Black Ops [Does not Count] Out Since - 11/9/10 Gears of War 3 [5/4/2011] Dragon Age 2 [March 11, 2011] Ghost Recon: Future Soldier [TBA March 2011+] Forza Motorsport 4 [Q4 2011]
LA Noire (spring 2011) rockstar is literally creating new tech for this game. The character modeling looks revolutionary