11th was hardest for me, but still not that hard. physics, calc, ap u.s. history, and spanish 4. but still only one B without doing much homework at all.
Well damn, that sucks. Yeah, I know a guy who's repeating his 11th year because he got caught up in social happenings and what not. High school really isn't that hard. You don't even have to be a genius. Show up, takes notes, do the homework. The only time I ever busted my ass doing anything for class was making an igloo.
If your school has Exams for grade 9, that is the only thing to fret about; just make sure you understand what your learning and seek extra help if you're having trouble. It'll be smooth sailing if you follow that simple rule of thumb for high school.
Well, in the USA, you would be a Freshmen in highschool and I would be putting you in trash cans. Don't worry about high school if you were a half decent student earlier. 9th Grade is basically all review. My problem was that I was in all accelerated classes in my 7+8 years and never had any problem with any class my freshmen and sophmore year. Junior year stuff caught up to me and caught me off guard and resulted in my first C. But I'll shut up now. You'll do fine. Play Reach in moderation and do most of your homework. It's often worth more than tests.
hahah your classes that's why man... I took no science, regular history, and I haven't taken any language nor do I plan on taking one senior year... The only real classes I have for Senior year are English and Chemistry...and Government but that should be easy let alone the fact it's only a semester long class.
I started my freshman year today,thanks for all the tips guys,but so far my year has been horrible all half day of it.
I lol'd so hard at this. But yeah, ninth grade is really easy (in the US at least). 10th grade isn't much harder. As long as you actually turn in your work, you'll easily pass. Easily. If Reach does cause issues, then you need to have some responsibility and limit how much you play.
Grade 9 is the easiest year of Junior high also don't worry if you **** up your life doesn't start in highschool... Also I played video games during my time in grade 9 its not supper important. I didn't study last year in Grade 9 and I had a 78 average and my teachers were complete bitches actually they failed me on something when I was sick that day, hopefully you won't get stuck with them, just listen in class and you'll do fine. Also if you care about your friends having girlfriends or something don't care it only last a week.
Just finished Grade 9. It is really easy. I didn't study for anything except the final exams. Oh, make sure to get a fair amount of sleep. I've slept through a lot of notes that could've increased my algebra grade. So all I can say is: Get a good amount of sleep Eat your vegetables Do your homework STUDY Panic over finals then pass them easily Don't wear shorts that are above your fingertips No IPODs Don't do drugs
iPods are good for work periods and songs without lyrics actually help me in Math tests. Just be sure to have your iPod laying screen down so that you don't have the temptation to change the song (this means have a playlist ready).
Sometimes I actually spent a fair amount of time stuck with one song on repeat. It was really annoying, but a fail on my part... Playlists for the win.
The only hard part about freshman year is older people. The teachers think everyone is supposed to have a really hard time adjusting so they make the classes easy. Sophmore year they just dump work on you, so there's no need to worry...yet
Seconded, and quoted for truth. Even the AP/Honors classes you can get by with Reach as a girlfriend no problem.
In Australia, the start of the school year is at... the start of the year. High School normally starts late january/early february. Uni normally starts early March.