First time in the 'shop for quite a bit. Lemme know what you think. EDIT: I posted the wrong one but now the most recent one is in the post.
I don't know much about large art, but I think the shadow/mist above the meadow needs better blending.
^Yeah, definitely. It's also just me, but I like seeing these kinds of things in a more surreal lighting.
The sky's depth and lighting need work, it should be darker to match the buildings better, and it looks flat. There is not enough contrast between the elements of the sky. The light source is in the lower left, however the planets/moons are lit in a way that makes it look as though the light source is between them. Also the glow off the ground looks artificial, the orange is a strange color, and is too strong. It should be more transparent and fade out slower.
Lol thanks for the tips guys. Like I said, first time in PS for ages so just getting the hang of things again.
OLD MAN WALKING HERE ^^^ WATCH YOUR STEP PEOPLE! Lighting is eh, Focal is messed up. Not really sure WHAT to be looking at