I don't think that's within the capabilitits of a standard xbox controller and it does not work that way in BFBC2 to my great annoyance. Halo vehicles are generally made simple to use so the only way to win is pure skill rather than tactics and attention to details like yaw pitch and roll...typical mlg
The Right and Left triggers on the xbox controller are analog. Press light start slow. Press all the way down and that's max acceleration. The controls for the warthog and other vehicles are a staple for Halo. I don't see those changing any time soon.
In theater mode you can go into "1st person view" like what you would see if you where actually playing(in a vehicle is 3rd person). and at the start there is the " ^ " that you only see at the start while in "1st person view"(idk what else to call it) meaning that's what he was actually seeing while playing the game for the first few seconds. Because in his car in real life it has an analog for acceleration.
Did the driver fail? The world may never know, but until then we can't really talk about this and give a good explanation for this. A great driver who perfected driving the mongoose (is that possible?) would say that the mongoose is great and handles great, but someone sucky would yell at the game and call haxs.
Soo basically what you're saying is the driver failed because skilled people actually can handle it. I'm not really sure how well you got your point across there
the mongoose is a sexy ass b**** and has my babies. i loved it in h3 and its now bigga for de splats and faster for de capturin of de flag. 1st!
YouTube - Halo Reach Beta: Mongoose Gameplay by Chrisnepts (Halo Reach Gameplay) U tell me if its too squirrelly!
I believe its just the driver. You could be right though, I saw another vid and the mongoose was acting the same...
DID anyone in the vid i posted notice the red flashing grenades a 1:23 ???? can sombody explane to me what that is?
The warthog acted lighter in the reach beta than in halo 3 so why would the mongoose act heavier, especially if it acts lighter in the gameplay videos?
the 'goose has traded control for speed. and acceleration. so what? i like that the skill has gone up for the driver. it will stop 8 year-olds just hopping in at the start of every match and randomly trying to splat people. and the increased speed will improve the gameplay of mfctf no end. its only squirelly if you're not used to it
That video is hacked game play from the beta things may have changed in the controls since then, but right there the mongoose looked really responsive. That's a grenade from the grenade launcher in the detention delay mode. That is where you shoot it and hold down the trigger and it wont explode until you release the trigger. You can also do that and kill yourself and it wont explode until someone picks up the gun again. This explains how it could be achieved by himself.