Mythic II DLC Clueless

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Boston, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. Boston

    Boston Ancient
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    Background & Design:
    So the game Clueless wasn't just made up over night. It in fact has been a work in progress for a couple months. It originally was going to be called "Sneak", and was well on its way to being posted as long as a map was going to be forged for it. In the process of forging the map, it was accidentally deleted off my HDD, mistaken for another map. I was angered, as the map was almost complete. Since that day, I quit working on the game and map.

    Now, just last night, I played the game "Clue" for the first time, on a map made by Adelyss named "The Canopy". I found the map to be very interesting, and good size as well. Half way through the game, I realized that the map would be perfect for my game "Sneak". I sent a message to Adelyss himself, and got an okay to edit the map to the specific settings required for my game, as long as I gave him credit for the map. I will get to that in just a bit, but for now I will finish the story in making Clueless. After I had gotten in some games of Clue, I set out to delete all weapons on The Canopy, and instead put all 32 plasma grenades around the map. I also included 8 spike grenades.

    Using AZN FTW's randomization technique, I made it to where 3 plasma greades and 1 spike grenade are ALWAYS spawned on the map. As soon as you pick one up, another one out of the 32 total are spawned somewhere along the map. It is this techinique that makes the game what it is. I changed the name of the game to "Clueless", as it reminds me of Clue in a sense, and it also is the name of the game. You are Clueless as to has a grenade (So don't tell people when you do have them). As a reference to Adelyss' "The Canopy", I changed the name to "Sunshade", and thus the game was born!


    So basically, here are the settings in the game of Clueless.

    Basic Settings

    • 4 Rounds
    • 3 Minute Rounds
    • 1 Life per Round

    • Stick is worth 4 points
    • Death is worth 1 point
    • Killing in general is worth -1 point
    • Beatdown/Assasination is worth -2 points
    • Suiciding is worth -2 points

    So to clarify all of the above, when you stick someone, you gain 3 points, because a Stick is worth 4, and a kill in general is worth -1, so that equals 3. Also, if you beatdown/assasinate someone, not only are you killing them in general which is worth -1, but you also lose 2 points to make your total -3 for commiting the act. Basically, I wanted to make the game a "Stick or don't bother for it" kind of game. Also, as an added bonus for only having one life, if you die, you gain a point, so good for you!

    Base Player Traits

    • No Shields
    • 200% Damage Resistant

    So basically, as log as you are not right beside the explosion of the plasma/spike grenade, you should be safe. Get stuck though, and have fun waiting out the rest of the round from spectating.

    Well that's basically it for now. I'll get on to posting the maps and any more that come along the way. Remember, feel free to create your own map for this game. Just remember that you MUST uderstand the rules of randomization, and create them on a small to medium sized map. Use around 20 to all 32 grenades of one type. Fire grenades do not count as a stick for the record. Adios, and have fun!


    The Maps:

    Image by MultiLockOn

    Moonlight is a map designed for one of my favourite gametypes, (The recently featured) Clueless by Boston. On the surface it may look just like the default Blackout, but I have added walkways, and other things to help get around easier and to give the map a nice flow. There are also some sections of the map which are blocked off. The idea for the extra walkways and for the general feel of the map is that you should be able to jump down from almost any of the higher levels and land on solid ground, meaning you can make a quick escape from advancing enemies with a well placed jump.











    Creator's Note:
    Before I go into any details on the map, I want to first and foremost thank Adelyss for letting me use his map as a base for mine. If anyone has ever played "The Canopy" for the game of "Clue", players will feel right at home. I messaged him and asked for his permission to use his map, and just for me to delete the weapons and add the grenades. He granted my permission. So again, I want to thank Adelyss for allowing me to do so.

    Here is the rundown of the map.

    • All 32 plasma grenades are present
    • Only 3 plasma grenades are spawned on the map at a time
    • 8 Spike grenades are hidden throughout the map
    • Only 1 Spike grenade is spawned at a time
    The maps works well with 6-8 players, but up to 10 is possible. At times you may feel like you cannot find a grenade to save your life, but they will eventually show. After a few games you begin to learn where most of the grenades are spawned, and from there you begin to cycle the map in search of them. Be on the lookout for the Spike grenades as well, because they are placed in cracks and top ledges where one would normally not look. Remember, if you pick up a grenade in one spot, that does not mean it won't appear there again. With the use of randomization, you can technically pick up the same plasma grenade twice, but this rarely happens. Also, don't let players know you have a grenade, because they will stay away from you. Make them feel "clueless" as to who has grenades.

    Here are some pics of the map itself, forged by Adelyss, and some gameplay pics on it.


    An example of a hidden Spike Grenade





    Training Day

    Upon designing Training Day, I decided to use a lot of the environment for the base part of the map. I decided to cut off portions of Rat's Nest to accomplish my goal, and in the end I think it turned out nicely. It feels similar to a small complex or something along those lines. The size is also perfect for smaller parties, although up to 10 should work. I added in the boxes and scenic items and just like that, the map really felt like it had its own signature.


    Following an enemy is quite common in "Clueless"
    Here is the rundown of the map.

    • 21 plasma grenades are present
    • Only 2 plasma grenades are spawned on the map at a time
    • 6 Spike grenades are hidden throughout the map
    • Only 1 Spike grenade is spawned at a time
    The maps works well with 6-8 players, but up to 10 is possible. At times you may feel like you cannot find a grenade to save your life, but they will eventually show. After a few games you begin to learn where most of the grenades are spawned, and from there you begin to cycle the map in search of them. Be on the lookout for the Spike grenades as well, because they are placed in cracks and top ledges where one would normally not look. Remember, if you pick up a grenade in one spot, that does not mean it won't appear there again. With the use of randomization, you can technically pick up the same plasma grenade twice, but this rarely happens. Also, don't let players know you have a grenade, because they will stay away from you. Make them feel "clueless" as to who has grenades.

    Here are some pics of the map and gameplay.

    An example of a hidden Spike Grenade


    Sorry for the messy post. I will update in a bit. I am in a bit of a bind and cannot do it at the moment. Forgive me.
    #1 Boston, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  2. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey, you finally posted this here : )

    Well, to anyone who's confused about the game, or just doesn't think it could work, play a few games. You'd be amazed how fun it can be.

    Oh, and Boston, some of your pictures aren't showing up, and some of your Spoilers are crooked. I can't really blame you though, seeing as how the rest of the post if so god-darned amazing.

    Thanks for bringing this to 4 chub!​

    #2 Hogframe, Jul 30, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2010
  3. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Nice post. I'm surprised it wasn't posted on FH a while ago, considering how old a game it is.

    And of course, it is really quite fun. I can't remember where I remember this description of it from, but someone, somewhere, once said that, while it is a relatively slow game without a lot of action, it becomes really intense.
  4. Boston

    Boston Ancient
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    Thanks Sotha! Glad you enjoyed it and yes, like you said, may be considered a "slow" game, but it does get very intense!

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