Compact cars are made for tiny people, and I am not one of those tiny people. I drove a compact once and I was soooooooooooo uncomfortable. Also, I am watching Jersey shore for my first time and I am soooooooooo confused. Why the hell is this show popular. I think it might be raining.
I hate how many passwords I have for different things, and how convoluted all my bookmarks and desktop are. It is going to kill me.
I'll lie if it'll get me out of trouble with people I don't know. Almost never lie to friend's and family (jokes are exempted though).
Understandable, Sarge. I've got two really small scabs on my foot, and they're perfectly aligned with each other. I think something bit me..
I thought I was like that for the longest time, but upon retrospection I found otherwise. Never been caught in a lie in any case.
Dude, I've had a copypasta in my sig forever, I think it started when the first "mods are corrupt" trend started. --- woah since when did I finally hit 1000 posts after two and a half years