Its just like every other new game. We are all going to play it and enjoy it. "Great graphics" "New Features" Couple years we will all look back calling it trash.
Speak for yourself . I was still happily playing CE until H3's release. I basically missed out on H2 because I tried it, didn't like the BR in comparison to the Pistol, and didn't see the appeal of live over splitscreen 1v1's. Now I realise how much of a mistake that was, I might have been able to miss out on that awkward (and long) Staff Captain phase at the start of H3. But the point still stands that graphics and features were far from the reasons I kept playing H:CE or H3, or even really started tbh. It was fun, I enjoyed the competitive play and that's what has kept me with the series through more recent, better looking FPS games, and even kept me with H:CE when the graphically superior H2 came out. Honestly, Reach could look worse than CE and I'd still switch over as long as I enjoyed it and got in to the competitive style. Not saying there aren't people who comply with what you say, there are plenty, but there are plenty like me as well, and there are plain facts (H3 success to lifespan ratio compared to stuff like CoD titles, as well as H2 still appearing in the XBL Top 10 even well in to it's sequel's lifespan, it even outlasted it's own platform by years) which indicate that Halo doesn't really conform to that couple of years rule for many, many people.
Who cares? Besides, Halo 3 still has a strong community so I would say Reach's community will be going strong for years to come.
I'm still blown away by the amount of detail all the Halo games have had, sure. they don't compare to standards today, but that's not the point, they've all blown the competition away upon their release, and for some time after as well.
REACH WILL LAST FOREVER!!!!1!!!1!!!1!!!1 Not. I give it two years. Three years max. Its too early to tell though. The game may totally blow.
Its kind of a silly question, since we haven't played it yet. But since bungie is trying to put all the features from halo 3 in reach, only improved- I'd say they are trying to give reach h3's staying power, only more so. It will be around for a long while.
I'm still active in Halo 3, so I'm pretty sure the same will be said for Reach 3 years after it's release. But Reach is different. It's the last Bungie-made Halo game, so I'm guessing it'll last for a really long time.
Indeed. As stated in the Forge World vidoc, it is Bungie's Swan Song to Halo, And what a Swan Song it is... Halo Reach is the end while it is the beginning and still end as well as a new beginning. It is therefore infinite. >9000
My thoughts exactly. Considering there will almost certainly never be another Bungie-made Halo game, I predict a community whose lifespan will be far greater than that of any other Halo game to date.
There may never be another bungie made halo game. However, the next bungie game IMO will probably include all the same stuff that reach has just in a different Lore and universe.
I've heard some small talk about them switching genres and perhaps making an RPG. However, that's all speculation based on their recent job openings.
Halo Reach will always be fun. In Regards of how long we play it, well, that's a completely different story. I'm sure many years (I'm talking like 10 or 15 years) down the road I'll come pay her a visit for nostalgia's sake. Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3 and ODST, they'll always be fun, we just may not play them as much as we did at release. I played my n64 a few months ago, I had a blast playing all the old games I have stashed in my room. They'll always be fun, just a ... a different sort of fun.
old games are always fun to go back to, just to see how far we have come. Hell pong is still fun and space invaders and pac-man. Halo Reach i can see lasting forever. It might disappear for a while then get re-discovered. It could end up being a downloadable game for xbox consoles to come.
Two words... Forge World. The limitless possibilities that Reach's Forge World has will make custom maps and games surpass Halo 3's lifespan.
That's a little hard to judge without playing it first? But from the way it looks, the forge looks good enough to keep my playing for years...
Exactly, Halo 3 is still being played by thousands and would continue to be played for a long time if Reach didn't come out. I estimate Reach will have a good community playing for at least 5 years.