Map: Pirate Bay Gametype: Gettin' Scurvy Players: 2-11 (13 if you want to risk insta-overboard) Honor Rule (Unfortunately): Don't "paddle" your boat off its teleporter; it ruins the game and just gets really annoying. Story: Pirates are super pissed at the tourists (survivors) who are trying to steal from their island. So pissed, that they're throwing anything they can find. Human Objective: Don't get your **** pushed in by the random garbage being propelled at you by raging zombie pirates. Pirate Objective: Use your hammerrrrrrr (get it?) to push your favorite belongings into a magical vortex and stop the tourists from reaching the island. Pictarrrrrrrrs: The Dock The Boats The Firing Range The game has great replay value and is always a fun choice for customs. This is my second last Halo 3 map, so I hope you enjoy it. Pirate Bay Gettin' Scurvy
Agreed. It is definitly creative. But question. Do the humans just sit there. Do they have a fighting chance?
The humans only chance for survival is to know which boats are still afloat so that if something is flying at them they can try jumping to safety. I believe I set each round to 2 or 3 minutes, so you don't have to survive for that long. A good tip I can offer is watch out for fusion coils because if they hit anything that is floating near your boat, chances are pretty good that you're dead.
To eliminate the honor rule, I suggest placing weapon holders inside each boat, that should immobilize them. I'll give it a test when I have time.
I used to have weapon holders inside the boats, but I decided it was more challenging if your boat could be knocked off, forcing you to make a leap of faith to another boat.
Yes finally a longshore map with the use of a boat. It would be nice if you showed some gameplay pictures, the whole gameplay confuses me. I'm guessing its some like doge-ball on boats.
Mochasun, the gameplay is pretty simple. The only thing I can compare it to is a twist on Jenga. The zombies are using hammers to push barrels, etc. into the lifts and the humans must do all they can to dodge it.
Looks pretty fun, I'll have to give it a try. For some reason custom games that involve throwing objects through man canons to kill people are hilarious, and when you add a pirate theme to that it can only get funnier.
you could give the humans brute shot to try to deflect the flying objects and give the zombie(s) higher gravity and invincibility so the brut shot wouldn't effect them. you could also give the humans very little ammo so they wouldn't waste it or make it so the humans can steer there boat to the shore and possibly kill the zombies
I've tried giving the humans other weapons, but all they do is end up shooting the other boats off the teleporters. The plasma pistol works fine, and as survivors, people seem not to mind jumping from boat to boat. Over 100 Downloads
every time ive got a custom game going ive put this on and averyone likes it. I personally like it better then jenga because you are more often directly hit by the objects rather then them hitting the boats, which is funny to see lol. If you like jenga then you will like this. I havent seen any way to break the game yet and nor has any of the other almost 100 peaople ive played with on this so i think its safe to say it's fullproof. if there is a way then it must be something so out of the way that it isn't really worth even trying lol. because it's been the 1 map i can always put on during a custom game and get postive reviews i give it a 5/5 on gameplay. overall it's a pretty complete game and i dont think theres much you could do to improve. I was just thinking though that it would be cool if lets say a minute into the game, a moderately difficult jumping path opened up to the surviving humans to get to the zombie, it couldnt be to difficult though because the zombies gravity hammer swings would make it impossible, and you would also have to give the zombie a new method of taking out the humans that dare to try and reach him lol. Just a spur of the moment idea i thought id throw in there. It sounds possible and would make it a little more interesting.
Glad to hear you've been able to get enjoyment out of this map. Most people I play it with have fun at one point or another. As far as your idea, I've always wanted to do something like that, but with Reach so close, I just can't get myself up to the task. Glad you enjoyed the game, and maybe you'll see it in Reach.
As every one is saying, looks fun and all. I had an idea for the boat problem... thingy... you could make a box just under the water using some teleporters, that way the boats could move, but they would still stay in the general area. As for VantierXs idea, you could make a quick path to the zombie, put have some fusion coils next to the path and have a carbine spawn for the zombie so he could shoot them as the humans walk by.
Its cool to see that you guys are thinking of different things I could do, but like I said previously, I just dont have it in me. I just finished my last Halo 3 map, so I think i'm going to let that be my swan song. If ANYONE wants to update this map, go ahead. If you post it, throw some credit my way.
Thanks Nibs! Downloaded the map and it was very fun. I was going berserk with that gravity hammer XD. But just one question how did you manage the boat to float? Sorry if this already has been asked.