Problems Going into Grade 9.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Devil95, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Okay, 7 & 8 were easy. But now Im off to grade 9. This is the year that makes my life change forever. Going to 10, 11 and 12. Then College. But problem is, Im getting nervous because Im afraid Halo:Reach is gonna clog up my time. I did fine in Grade 8. But I heard Grade 9 is hard. Im in Canada, So We have a thing called Grade 9. I know most american have Gr.9 as High School. But should I really even be afraid? I sorta not a Homework type guy. And I start on September 2nd. Is grade 9 even easy? I can't answer any. Should I even try hard within the first 2 Months. Yes or No? If someone has experience in Gr.9, Please Answer.
  2. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Did you get 4? You pass grade 9.


    Napoleon was French.
    What is Napoleon's country of origin?

    Did you say France? You pass grade 9.


    "The Old Man and The Sea" is about?

    Did you say an old man and the sea? You pass grade 9.
  3. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    High School is easy as hell...don't worry dude...
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    In the end, what matters for college will be your standardized test scores (ACT, SAT), extracurriculars and skills, and your GPA of Grades 10 and 11 averaged without weighting (according to a friend who was an admissions worker at U of Michigan). So, work hard, do your homework before playing video games, and you'll be well off, but don't worry too much about if you don't get all As in grade 9. If anything, your first month or two will most likely be a whole lot about getting the hang of high school, so it's alright if you spend a little more time on Reach. But you should try to limit it if you can so that you can focus on school more.

    Personally, I've been trying to improve my own grades, so I plan on setting a parental control on my own Xbox to limit my time on Reach. In the end, video games can wait, school is infinitely more important for your future.
  5. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Haha freshman year I ****ed up so bad in Algebra. Dunno how or why, then I go into my sophmore year and rape my Geometry class, anally.

    Anyway man, the homework thing you should change ASAP. You will get a lot of homework, not gonna lie (well depends on your teacher really) but homework can break you down if you barely do it. Miss a couple, you'll be alright. Just don't have a poor homework grade, was always my problem.

    edit; good idea Insane, I'm aware CoD and Reach are going to destroy my first two marking periods. Gonna try out that parental control.
    #5 DunkinMyCookies, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  6. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Just sayin', but if you've gotten A+'s all through Elementary school than Grade Nine is a breeze. I hadn't studied for a single thing, but I'm smarter than most also. But yeah, do your homework, don't skip out on stuff, etc etc.

    Also, get into some club. Clubs are fun... Especially for my school's tech yteam where we play games early (All those darm leaks, eh?) on the projector in the gym. :p

    EDIT- Insane, Parental Control for me is my already being bored of every game I play haha. I'd need a parental control on my Computer
  7. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    If your fear of Reach actually ruining your education is truly genuine, I'd say just learn self-control.

    That, or don't buy it if it's going to be that bad.
  8. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Nah man you have nothing to really worry about. Year 10 though will need more focus. I dont know how different the american schooling system is different to the aus system, but year 10 onwards are the years you want to concentrate on.
  9. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I'm British, so our education system works a little differently to yours (okay, ours is basically messed up ;D) - but Grade 9 is your third year of High School? Not sure haha. Well, Year 9 was my third year of secondary school.

    Years 7 & 8 were also fine to me, I didn't shine out too much - 2 A* (A+), all others were A's and B's.

    Year 9 was when I majorly started playing Xbox/Halo
    9 A*'s.
    Do your homework first - play in moderation. You'll be fine.
  10. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    9th grade was cake for me in the u.s.- biology, american gov, the grapes of wrath, and my weird school district's math which was "integrated III" in 9th grade. we never had just straight algebra or geometry. but basically i did just about no homework all through high school and have gotten almost all As. and now im a senior so im not too worried about this year. the only classes ive gotten a B are chem and physics, but physics was easy i just had it first period so i was half asleep the whole time and hardly did anything. i dont wanna talk about chem...
  11. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    It's really not that hard to pass, just dont skip out often; preferably not at all, and do your homework. If your school is anything like mine, you wont fail, as long as you do those two things.
  12. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Fellow Canadian to the Rescue!

    Grade 9? Hmm... Let's see...

    Socials - Take out one earphone and occasionally listen to the teacher? Pass
    Science - Re learn everything... Pass
    Math - Algebra? Pass
    English - Public speaking and essays? Pass
    PE - Show up for most of the classes? Pass
    Language Course - Only place you'll have to listen. Pass
    2 Elective Courses - Obviously you'll pass these because you CHOSE them...

    That's all I had to do in Grade 9. Pretty much just don't skip too much and you're through.
  13. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Grade 9 is easy as **** bro. Don't sweat it. But don't spend your life on Halo. Make some friends. You'll regret it if you don't.
  14. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Really? I'm going into 8th. I can already do stuff 3 times as hard as that.
    137x + 17= 565 what is x? x=4 Thats easy. The only problem with math I have is with percents of. Like what is 20% of 31.25. Its 6.25. The reason I had those numbers is because yesterday I was going over what I would make at a job. If I work 5 hours for mininum wage I would make 31.25 but then I have to take 20% out for tax. 31.25*.20= 6.25, 31.25-6.25=$25.00. I would make 25 dollars for a 5 hour day.
  15. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I've finished grades 9 and 10. 9th grade was unbelievably easier than 10th grade (10th grade still wasn't too hard for me).

    I also have the problem of not doing my homework, but as long as you understand the material and do most of your homework, you'll be fine.

    If you find that a certain subject or unit is really causing you problems, there's always the possibility of tutoring/extra help. Most teachers are nice enough that, if you ask, you can go after school/during homeroom and get some extra help.

    All in all, my first two years of high school have been pretty easy, so don't sweat it. I heard 11th grade is the hardest out of the four years though. I've got that to look forward to. D:
  16. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I just finished High School and I have to say, every grade felt about the same. The things that will get you through are the things everyone is going to tell you to do.

    The easy things I did to pass were:

    Set time aside each night for studying, refreshing things you learned.

    Take as many notes as physically possible.

    DONT TEXT IN CLASS. My buddy did that every day in math and now he can have fun repeating 12th grade.

    Lastly, do your homework as complete as you can. Do every single assingment even if its not worth anything because it will help reinforce what you may already know.

    Don't stress over high school, that'll make it a living nightmare.
  17. Agamer

    Agamer Ancient
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    I thought Junior year was the easiest.... the only thing that was actually hard for me was Algebra 2...but other than that it was easy as balls...I did all my homework at school...and left after school for **** I wanted to my drums, guitar, chill with friends, play vidya games, sleep, eat..etc.

    I can't wait for Senior year..**** yeah!
    #17 Agamer, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  18. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    i wouldn't worry too much if i were you. Bloo Jay put it pretty simply, don't slack off too horribly and you'll be fine.

    even if you do manage to screw it up big time, if a college finds that your grades have improved over your highschool experience, they tend to be very lenient towards freshmen results. they know that high school is a big step and they compensate for it.

    i got around 4 Cees freshman year, ended with straight As senior year, and got into a fine college no problem. it gets easier as you go in my opinion and AP classes can totally dominate a bad GPA if you take enough of them. (assuming they have AP classes in Canada)

    protip: Always put in an extra minute for the easy assignments, because most times they're worth as much as the harder ones ;D
    'nuther protip: try to get into the advanced classes, because they are filled with people that want to learn ;D
    #18 sourdauer, Aug 1, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2010
  19. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Grade 9 was likely the most uneventful year of all my schooling.
    At least that's how it was in Australia for me and everyone I know.
  20. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    ****ing lol. My AP Math class is probably the worst example of AP. We do like half a class of elarning, and then the rest of the class is slacking off... And we still keeps 90s.

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