Download Dyad With Halo 3 coming to an end I present to you my last Halo 3 map, Dyad. Dyad is a symmetrical map with a slight asymmetric touch and features a unique and never before seen layout. With this map I wanted to test my creativity and forging skill so I decided to create this map by thinking how each piece I put down would effect gameplay. Dyad supports a game of up to 4v4 but plays 3v3 games of the gametypes team slayer, king of the hill, and team oddball best. Without further ado I present to you Dyad. Weapon List Battle Rifle x4 | 10 Seconds | 2 Clips Carbine x2 | 30 Seconds | 2 Clips Plasma Rifle x2 | 45 Seconds Needler x2 | 60 Seconds | 2 Clips Sniper Rifle x1 | 180 Seconds | 2 Clips Rocket Launcher x1 | 150 Seconds | 0 Clips Plasma Grenades x2 | 30 Seconds Bubble Shield x2 | 150 Seconds Overshield x1 | 180 Seconds Game Call Outs As you can see from the picture above I've listed some call outs that will aid you in battle. Study the picture above so you can use the correct call outs to help your teammates while killing your foe. Pictures Courtyard Courtyard Looking at Red Window Looking at Blue Window In Red Window looking towards the Courtyard In Red Window looking towards Red Middle In Blue Window looking towards the Courtyard In Blue Window looking towards Blue Middle Red Middle Blue Middle Red Bubble looking at Red Base Blue Bubble looking at Blue Base Red Base Blue Base Red Pit / Red Sniper Blue Pit / Blue Sniper Bottom of the base (Blue side (Same on other side)) Download Dyad
holy s@#$, this map is super sexy the lay out is super unique. The windows are especialy awesome. question though. does the wall slit in the floor lead some where or is it useless to throw grenades into it. also. i love the courtyard.i can see some awesome br battles in there and some awesom ear battles every where else. the weapon list is fairly small but i feel it doesnt need to be any bigger. this is a very large feeling map but actualy isnt that big. so the few weapons are still pleantifull. also the seccond level makes it so much bigger. you have out done yourself Adelyss 5/5 aesthetics 10/5 layout 5/5 wepon layout god/5 origonality ?/5 game play havent gotten a game in although have one schedual at 830 so ill edit a review. jesus/5 over all, great job FIRST!!! YEAH!!!
You see the tunnel under the overshield in the first picture? The wall slit looks down into that tunnel. Also to be honest the small weapon list to due to be running out of budget and item limit . I would of liked to add in at least a few more weapons. I have a few ideas planned for reach...hopefully I don't run out of creativity though :/
Eh its by Adelyss so we know its crap.... Lol actually the map plays really well and the layout is really good
Plays pretty good, less editing on the pics next time I felt like you where trying to sell me the map. lol but good all in all
Diet ehm Dyad is the best Map I've ever tested in the Testers Guild, it's balanced, fun, unique and inspiring. King is the best gametype on Dyad, the Hill placement is gorgeous and all of the spawns work. Dyad is a competitive Map that both, MLG Tryhards and Social Slayer Generals can enjoy, definitely on of my favourite Halo 3 Maps ever
Oh, you posted this. I thought you might have given up on it. I got to see this in progress from day one. The theme was great, even though you used wood, lol. Jk, I think it came out looking pretty good anyway. Even when you didnt want to use it, you worked and made it sexy. I am sad that I was excluded from the tests but I suck anyway so I wouldnt have been awesome help. Im glad it worked out for 4v4 too since it was gonna be 2v2 originally, once again adyless, you made a great map. Is it really your last one on Halo 3? What about the one, with that one guy, with that one layout with that one thing in the middle? You know, that one?
They are hardly editted? All I did was add text on them, but thanks for the reply. As soon as I started building Dyad I had a feeling King of The Hill would be the dominant gametype and to be honest that makes me really happy because you don't see to many maps that play king well and its actually a really good gametype. Oh zombie I didn't really test it much myself, I'd like to thank the Testers Guild for that so don't feel bad about not testing it. Also that one map...turns out we would of needed to make basically half the map over again to make it play better and we kind of just gave up...It was going to be a good map to .
I got one major complaint. Where the hell was this map 6 months ago!? Lol seriously, this map is beautiful and uniquely unique in the fact that it is a simple-ish, almost Sanctuary like design is still one-of-a-kind. Honestly, at this point it is a rare to find a truly unique map. Bravo, this is defiantly worth the DL.
This actually reminds me a lot of a map in AvP 3 for some reason, they are obviously different but I guess it has a similar concept. As an avid fan, you have a download from me!
I like the style of this map. The layout and gameplay are it's strong points, but it looks pretty plain, so the aesthetics could've been amped up a bit. But hey, gameplay is greater and far more important than aesthetics and I'll pick this map over a shiny one with a basic layout any day.
I know he had plans for cool aesthetics, but he kept it under budget so thats a good accomplishment. Its always cool to have the aesthetics, but in the end, gameplay is what matters. Especially when your staying in budget.
This map looks great, so i downloaded it and tried it out. Over all the map plays well, but their could be some improvements. Enjoyment: I enjoyed it a lot the first time. Later on the maps design did seem to a little bland, but still fast paced. The two hallway base style did keep players from camping a base and keeping it for a long time. The most fun times were the close quarters combat. Sometimes there would be a fight from across the map where one person would be fighting someone at the blue window while they are at the red window, but these battles would soon end after a kill or someone running away. After a couple of games I would crave a different design, but if i'm looking for fast competitive matches I know this map will provide. In oddball there would often be times when a team would camp in an area like the bases or the small room under the window, Spoiler then some attacker's team members would spawn farther away then others. That's when you would lose because you would be going in separate and not full force. I loved playing this map with 6 players free for all. Pure fast paced racing to the oddball/hill. A lot of the times though I would spawn far away from the action and I would have to chase someone around until they stopped so i could kill them. The lack of balance also took out a lot of the fun. Balance: The balance wasn't so good. Everyone I played with complained that there was too many power weapons and too little ordinary weapons. Usually there was someone with over shield and rockets/sniper. They're too close together. All of the time someone had a power weapon and there's a lot. There's the needler, sniper, over shield, rocket, and sometimes even the sticky grenades got annoying. The layout of the map is fine though, but the sniper area is a little bit under used. You just have to change the weapons up a bit. My suggestion is to delete the needlers, delete two nades and move the other two to the original over shield spawn, move the over shield to the sniper spawn, then put one snipers with no extra clips in the bases. Then put down some spikers, smgs, pistols, etc. This would fix a lot of the complaints me and my friends who tested it had. Durability: It's hard to break this map, but my friend found a couple ways with the rocket launcher, nades, and over shield. These aren't big problems because they take A good breaker to get out fast. Maybe next time make the walls a little higher, but it is fine the way it is. The spawns where fine, no spawn killing, but spawns were annoying. Sometimes you would spawn right in the battle and be over powered by the power weapons or you would spawn on the other side of the map and have to run to the other side, but when you get there the battle would have moved. Aesthetics: This was the best part of the map. It was extremely clean and no bumps at all, but there could have been some nice touches added to make the map look better. It was extremely bland. Not much effort to spice up the map with a cool aesthetically pleasing feature. This I can't help you with. You need to find a visual inspiration for your maps. Originality: This was the worst part of the map. I did't feel like I was playing something new that i hadn't seen before. The map is just a middle area and two outer hallways rapping around. I didn't feel like this was even taken in for consideration. I think you mainly designed this map for competitive play and didn't think about a original layout. There should have been a little more rooms, but have them open to avoid campers. Enjoyment: 6.5 Overall fun the power weapons did take off points, but they weren't in use often. Balance: 5.5 The map was fully used. There was battles every where, but usually the winner was the one with the rockets. Durability: 8.7 Hard to do, but if you're good enough you can do it on your first try. As long as they didn't have both the rockets and the over shield it was impossible. Aesthetics:5.0 It was super clean. 10 for you, but there was nothing interesting so i took off half. Originality: 2.2 It just wasn't original. Try using tin cups as grass or scaffoldings as bars. Average: 5.6 My score: 6.7 It was very fun, but the balance issues and the lack of cool aesthetics brought it down. Good job, but next time try to have less power weapons and more regular weapons.
This map was almost completed 6 months ago..but sadly once I finished it I didn't have the drive or people to test it. With the reworking of the review hub though I got my chance to get it tested and finally finished it lol. I agree 100%, I had a ton of new aesthetics I wanted to put in but I actually hit the item limit forcing me to cut down on a lot of things and limit my weapon setup . (And I did use a OLN canvas) I'd like to thank you for your written review but I feel I disagree/have some points of mine to back up my map from thoughts on this maps. Unless a map has perfect spawns you will not spawn near a teammate 100% of the time. If you take a look at my map and look at where the spawn points are placed, the map doesn't allow for much team spawning. The reason for this is because of where the enemy players will most likely be moving around. When you spawn in Halo it tries to put you far enough away from the enemies but close enough to the objective and since my map is relativity small and open it was hard to have players spawn on each other. The reason why is because when your teammate spawns he will run forward towards the enemy...and you will spawn about 4 seconds later. By the time you are able to spawn he will be to close to the enemy and the game will make you spawn back farther away from them. I agree with the to little ordinary weapons, but the reason for this is I literally hit the item limit and I used an OLN canvas. There is nothing I can do to save items to allow for more ordinary weapons. I disagree with you on the Power weapons though, 2 weapons and a powerup is not to many. The powerup and the sniper are a tad bit to close but having the fact you have to run around the wall and jump down to get it makes up for it. Item limit is all I have to say...and that I had a ton of ideas ready...but darn you item limit! lol The map is original I can tell you that, I've never seen a map with two U type shapes stacked on each other with a middle courtyard that connects the two sides but I know what your saying...its not original because there is nothing visually that sets the map apart (Item limit). Also the map was built with competitive play in mind actually so you are right on that, but I also did think about originality while creating it. Thanks everyone for the comments so far, keep them coming! Also thehatofwin don't feel like I attacked your review I actually really thank you for it because your the first one to really point out some of the flaws in my map . I'm the kind of person though who feels its necessary to back up my ideas/maps so If you feel like I just ripped it apart, don't take it personal. Thanks again for the review, hope some others will leave more reviews too though.
I haven't seen many U shaped maps either, but the pathways didn't feel original. The layout was, but walking through the map felt like many other maps. The map made you feel like you were going down a straight hallway even though it is a U, like orbital. You knew it was a U shape, but inside it just felt like a hallway. Don't worry, I won't take it personal. I just wanted to point out the spots where you could improve in a V2. I suggest (if your going to make a V2 in Halo Reach) to make more indoor areas. Make a bigger map that can hold 6-12 people. Maybe even two levels if you want. I completely understand your problem with the item limit and that's why you should make a V2 in Reach. Maybe in V2 you should make it look like a natural location. An example is a cave or a forest. That would be extremely interesting if you could make a amazing outdoor scenery that works and has great gameplay.
Addy once again you create a piece of eyecandy. I assume this is your last Halo 3 map? If so, Bam! - That's the noise of epicness. If you're playing it anytime soon then I'd love to join. I wouild DL but I have no more room. I like to keep some gems from my favorite forgers, and your Prisoner map still resides there. Good job and Can't wait to see your reach creations.
This is a one-of-a-kind map. The courtyard is in the dunes! One of the best maps I have ever seen 6/5 Overall!
Got my ass handed to me on this last night. I blame hax... or maybe my redbar. basically, it wasnt my fault at all. Im totally the best player... lol anyway, it was fun regardless, and Im glad you finally finished it and I was able to give it a go. Fun, inspiring map.
I'll have to agree with LD when I say that this was the best map in terms of gameplay that I have had the chance to test in the Testers Guild by far. Dyad is extremely original, and Adelyss used the most creative techniques to help the players identify where they were at all times so they didn't feel trapped and confused. I'm glad you added a couple more columns to help guide the player's way Adelyss, Dyad is a keeper for sure!