Hello my fellow forgers, I would like to present you with KOTH Destruction. It is a gametype I have been testing and I have alot of faith in it. UPDATE: We have some new prizes. I had to get rid of some of the old ones. If you wish to particpate in this contest. Please state so and I will place your name the thread so I know you are making a map for it. Before you start your map download each gametype and get some people to play it with you so you have a feel for the gametype. Try to get competetive players to play with you. The people that only play infection and Mini-games aren't the way to go. Also if you want you can send me a message and I will come check out your map to see how it's going. Here is a sample map that I will be making on reach just to give you an idea on a map structure. . As you can see it has 4 levels. The gametype maximizes hectic combat and the map makes it even more compllicated as there are ony 2 ways to get down from a level, Jump or walk. You DO take fall damage, you will die if jump from too far up. The weapons the map will probably include shotguns, AR's, Magnums, Snipers, and other weapons of the type. There most likely will be NO or FEW DMR's. Ranged weapons would take away from the point of trying to get to the hill as fast as possible. There will be 1 Sniper. The team that gets it first will have the advantage if they manage to get to the higher levels. Any suggestions? Please post your ideas. The gametype: -Score to win: Unlimited (More on this later) -Team King of the Hill: Enabled -King of the Hill settings- -Team scoring: Team Control -On Hill Points: 5 -Uncontested Control Points: 10 -Off Hill Points: -2 -Kill Points: 7 -Hill Movement: 1 minute -Hill Movement Order: Random -On Hill Traits- -Shields and Health- -Damage Resistance: 90% -Shield Multiplier: Normal Shields -Shield Recharge Rate: -10% (Decay) -Shield Vampirism: Disabled -Immune to Headshots: Disabled -Weapons and Damage- -Unchanged -Movement- -Player Speed: 90% -Player Gravity: 100% -Vehicle Use: Full Use -Sensors- -Unchanged -Appearance- -Active Camo: Off -Waypoint: Visible to Everyone -Forced Color: Purple -Weapons and Vehicles- -Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle -Secondary Weapon: SMG -The rest is unchanged -General Settings- -Number of Rounds: 1 -Time Limit: 4,8, or 12 depending on map size. I do have gametypes for each one -Team Changing: Not Allowed -Friendly Fire: Enabled -Betrayal Booting- Enabled -Base Player Traits- -Shields and Health- -Damage Resistance: 100% -Shield Multiplier: Normal Shields -Shield Recharge Rate: 100% -The rest is unchanged -Weapons and Damage- -Damage Modifier: 125% -Primary Weapon: Assault Rifle -Secondary Weapon: SMG -The rest is unchanged -Movement- -Player Speed: 110% -Player Gravity: 100% -Vehicle Use: Full use -Sensors- -All Unchanged -Appearance- -All Unchanged -Respawn Settings- -Respawn Time: 3 seconds -Suicide Penalty: None -Betrayal Penalty: 10 seconds -Lives Per Round: Unlimited -Advanced Respawn Settings- -Respawn Modifiers- -Synchronize withe Team: Enabled -Respawn Time Growth: 2 Seconds -Respawn on Kills: Enabled -Respawn Traits- -All unchanged_____________________________________ Downloads:Gametype (4 Minutes) Gametype (8 Minutes) Gametype (6 Minutes) Gametype (12 Minutes) What I want you to do: I want you to make a map ideal for this gametype. Better if you use the 4 or 6 minute gametypes. Contest Guidelines: These are just help the forgers You MUST have at least FOUR hills You MUST have it set up for this gametype (Duh?!) You MUST have at least TWO floors/levels You MAY NOT have any Gravity Hammers You MUST ONLY have ONE Sniper if any. You MUST ONLY have ONE Rocket Launcher if any. You MUST ONLY have 2 or less forgers I think thats it for the rules. WHAT YOU MAY WIN!!! Okay so enough with the rule 100. Winner will have a choice of any 2 of these awards. The runner ups will each have 1 of these choices. If there is a team winner they both get one choice, and if there is a team runner up you must agree on one. Custom Game invites, If you need more people for a custom game pick this choice and it is good for 5 invites. Just send me an invite and I will invite as many of my friends as possible. Stuck on a game pass, are you stuck on a mission and you need help/advice beating it? If so choose this for 2 free Stuck on a Game Passes. Just invite me to a party but before you do that send me a message so I know who you are. If the game is single player and I have beaten it I will provide you with a walkthrough link on youtube or text/voice explanation. If it is a co-op game that I have just send me an invite and I will come to help you. Machinima pass, If you or a friend are making a machinima and you need extra players to toss around for stuff grab this pass and I will help you or a friend with a machinima for 30 minutes or more depending on how intrigued I am, 30 minute Guarantee though. Free Pokemon Pass, Do you want some good pokemon on DPP or HGSS then this is the pass to choose. You may choose any 3 Under level 50 pokemon, 2 pokemon over level 50, or 1 pokemon higher than level 75. If you want to trade send me a message on forgehub telling me your Friend Code. I don't know what else for prizes though. If you want to you can suggest awards like the ones above. There might be MS cards for the winner. Please submit your map like so: Map Name Short Description Link to the map. Also if you want post a video of gameplay on the map. It will only make your chances of winning better. I think thats it text wise so I wish you good luck!
Hmm.... looked over the thread, and I found a slight........ well, something. Reach doesn't have SMGs, from my (and everyone else's) current knowledge. You might be able to replace it with a Magnum, or a Plasma Pistol (probably not the Plasma Pistol, because of that noob combo) Other than that, I have ideas for the map I'll probably make for the contest BTW, I probably wouldn't be able to make use of ANY of those prizes :/ EDIT: Wait, this is H3?
First off, thank you for actually listing the changes to the gametype. Nothing about the gametype itself seems revolutionary except for the scoring system and decaying shields. Some o the minor changes like movement speed make almost mo difference in the outcome of the game besides confusing and annoying players who are accustomed to a certain number of shots for a kill or the normal movement speed. As for the prizes, I think sarge will find this amusing. In b4 shitstorm
I'm not in the mood to be an asshole right now so I'm just going to tell you that the "bump" prize is unacceptable and must be removed or this thread gets deleted. Furthermore, if I get the inkling that you have it as a "secret prize" that is, you and the winner enter some sort of agreement in private for the same bump deal, I'll infract the two of you into leaving the site forever. Also, the GBA game one needs to go as well, roms are illegal and FH can't be held liable for their promotion. The "boost" one is borderline bad, but I'll allow it on the basis of vagueness.
Yes okay I'll delete them. The bump/post thing was more of providing feedback then just putting one simple statement. Now I need more prizes. EDIT: Okay so now we have 3 prizes. Custom Invites, Machinima Invites, and Help me invites. I do have another idea for a prize. Free Pokemon lol. I has alot of them... On NDS of course and No ROMS. I will trade you any of my original trained pokemon (not EV trained) and before I trade them I will just save the stats and stuff so I can trade for another one.
Why dont you spend 10 dollars on just a few MS points? Then it goes from being ignored to actually being a reasonable contest worth entering... And the point of contests is to inspire creativity, not limit it to one gametype -_-
Well first off, I will try to get some microsoft points for the prize but no promises. Second, yeah I know it's one gametype, I just wanted to see what people could do with it. After I pre-order Reach I will try to get some MS points for the contest, I think 1600 for the winner should do and 800 for the runner ups. They also have a choice between the MS points or lets say 2 or 3 Passes depending on how annoying having to use those passes is gonna be :/... Lol but yeah I just wanted to see what people could do with this gametype. I also spent like an hour writing this so I'm gunna be mad if no one decides to partake in this contest.
Lol what do you mean by that? Do you mean that this contest isn't going to go through because I am not a popular forger. If so then yeah I know that.
I meant people ignore stuff unless there is a serious prize (ie. MS points or beanz) I'm going to enter even though I'll probs break half the rules. Not including the implied ones.