With Reach coming out I don't think I'm going to make any more maps on Halo 3. I really want to know what everyone else thinks about this. Please feel free to include why you made your decision.
No, in fact, I quit working on my in progress maps like a month ago actually because I figure it will be easier to start over from nothing in Reach's forge than finish up the last half to one fourth I have left on a couple of maps in Halo 3. Halo 3 is just extremely tedious, and I'm a slow forger. So it takes me two to four months to finish a decent map, which frustrates me really badly. I can't wait to use Reach's forge. I think for me it will be far easier and faster to use, which is great for a slow, methodical, perfectionist type of forger like myself. I always end up spending more time just thinking about ideas than actually working when I forge because I want to have a great idea for every part of my maps when I make them. And once Reach is out, never again will I make a Halo 3 map. There is one exception to this. I have a map I have barely started that is just perfect for Sandbox's asthetics, but impossible on Forge World due to asthetics. And I love the idea for the map because its inspired by a Halo 3 commercial somewhat. So I will probably eventually finish that.
I will never start any more H3 maps after Reach comes out. Notice I said start, because I will finish my current H3 maps before I release Reach maps. And I'm pretty sure that in Reach I won't get bored and hop around the map like I do in H3
I did the same thing, well kindof. I had just finished a map, and started a new one. The next day the forge world ViDoc came out and I figured "there's no point in making this map on Halo 3". --- I hope you voted in the right section then haha
Lately it's just been so damn hard to get motivated to spend the eight or nine days to forge a decent map.... (Oh lord I just realized Forge will allow me a 1/1 scale Serenity.... oooo) and the only one I have been working on off and on I just realized right this moment that Reach will allow it to be made SO much easier. So no, I have lost interest in H3 forge. I actually am only buying Reach for the forge. I could truly care less about the campaign.
I have a couple maps i'd still like to finish before Reach comes out, but if I don't finish before Reach, then oh well. So... no, once Reach comes out, I can't think of any reason why i'd put Halo 3 back in.
i stopped forging about 3 months ago, i cant see myself going back to it now. especially after reach comes out.
Nope, I just finished up my last Halo 3 map a couple of weeks ago. I am sooo happy to be done with the annoyance that is the Forge of Halo3.
I also stopped forging a while ago. I just don't have the patience, and I'm getting quite bored of Sandbox.
I might work on a few things until Reach comes out but there is really no point in still using Halo 3 forge once Reach drops.
I will continue to forge but when Reach comes out I'm dropping Halo 3. But first Like the day before Reach I am going to take screenshots of my unfinished maps and then remake them on Halo Reach.
I will post my final map and be done with H3 forge. It was great with glitches to make things easier but Halo Reach has those glitches as tools
I've got two Halo 3 maps left to post. One I'm going to post in the next couple of days, and the other needs some more testing. Not starting anything new and I'm actually giving away some of my old, never-finished projects.
1.0 is one of those things that becomes completely obsolete when a new version comes out. Like Firefox. So, no.
I might create a few rough maps and screenshot them to be perfected in reach but that will be all I do.
I finished up a while ago, when I posted my foriegn treasures entry. Now I'm just forging because I can. If I get something decent made, I'm definately going to post it; so maybe I am not quite finished.