This thread was somewhat started in the lolbox, and I had the idea to start this thread due to the upcoming release of Reach. This will hopefully have many posts by then allowing people to have good, reasonable excuses for skipping work. So, everybody who reads, add excuses that they have used or heard of people using. Your employer will be upset but I doubt he/she will be suspicious, unless of course your boss reads halo forums. Enough gab, time to add ideas.... Someone in your immediate family was in an accident and you are going to drive them from the scene. (Note: make sure your boss doesn't have access to anyone in your family, or they all know that you lied.) You had a scuffle with a family member and were pushed down the steps. You now have slight back pain and aren't sure how you'll do, but you're laying down with ice on it. (Note idea from Black Theorem) You were doing some sort of activity and stubbed you toe, or broke it (depending on how long you want to be out.) P.S. please add notes to ideas as well as personal experiences. Also put ideas in a bulleted list. No limit to amount of ides per post.
It could work for someone that works in a kitchen. *Dog in the family swallowed a chicken bone and you're on your way to the vet hospital to have it removed.
I can't believe you just used a traumatic experience in Rob Dyrdek's life as a possible excuse for playing Reach. Genius.
This. Or "Yes, I seem to have contracted some attention-deficit disorder and, hey, how about them Skins, huh? So, I won't be able to, yes, could I help you? No, no, I'll be sticking with Sprint, but thank you for calling"
My all time favorite is: "Sir, there has been a family emergency I wont be able to come in today and most likely the rest of the week" or
lolz @kung fu jesus I got a good one; "I was attacked by a pride of vicious ninja tigers and they want to kill me for my pituitary gland!"
I was riding my Tapir to the Mariana Trench when a rock band of rabid albino squirrels attacked me. Fortunately they did not tear out my sphincter so I was able to at least get to my private hot tub in time for the DIY: How to Clean your Toilet. All of a sudden a plumbers convention fell through the roof of my aquarium, then Mario and Luigi crippled me with their combs. I will not be in for work for probably until Halo Reach gets stolen.