Loyal means you're a help to the community and have been for a while. Premium means you have 2-7 features Architect means 7+ features Any more ranks you need help with?
Ohh, I'm sorry I misunderstood your question. 'Special' ranks, get a custom title of their choosing, and also get access to the HubPub, a place of special postings by other coloured members. If they still have that, I haven't heard much of it in a while.
It's okay. What is the HubPub? I know i've heard it before, but what is it for? Is it just exclusive to prestige ranks or does it have a higher purpose?
The thing that they get the most is respect. The HubPub is a forum where colored members can discuss upon things that greasy cannot learn about
There isn't, really. Forge Hub is a community, so of course we have our leaders and people who are of higher "prestige" than others. But in the end, we're all here forming a growing and improving society, of sorts. It doesn't really mean much in the end, except that they're generally more dedicated to the community. In fact, even the whole staff is just a part of the community - we're just the ones who have been around for a long time, proven skills and abilities, and dedicate a whole lot of our time to help out the site - of course, for free. "Respect" means nothing, in the internet world and otherwise.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/89838-forge-hub-rank-system.html Anyways, Colored members get access to the Hub Pub, which is a colored only forum where we really do absolutely nothing. Once and a while we have a discussion, but really it's nothing. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say what all goes on behind the scenes, and I really don't think you would care. After that, we have access to larger Avatars (20px height and width I believe), as well we have access to Custom Titles and a larger PM box. After that, we have the obvious colored name and special title. And that's it. Nothing that special eh?
Well, the old Loyals and the Premiums can. There's a few messed up permissions with TG and RH Loyals, but yes, we're allowed to use animated Avatars.
You get loyal by doing something in the Testers Guild and/or Review hub now....yet I don't know how you get it exactly once you're in one of those two...
You can use a .gif too, the difference is, as I colored Member you have a maximum size of 200KB, as a grey member only ?KB. Most gifs are just too big for a grey member
With TG: Test maps, give feedback, be generally helpful, etc. Work your way up to a Senior Member. With RH: Apply, get accepted, and then write two full cycles (a cycle is 2 weeks). Basically 4 reviews and a month of waiting will get you RH Loyal.