Author: jakob hunter Map Name: Betrayal Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: 8-16 Supported Gametypes: Herecy __________________________________________________ Description: _____________________________________________________________ You either play as a covenant elite or a Heretic elite. The Heretic elites are working with the UNSC and have been sent to this Covenant base to take out as many Covenant elites as possible. ____________________________________________ The map is a covenant base where they are holding a prototype scarab. It hold many interesting structures that you must use to you're advantage. There is an armory for both the Heretics and the covenant but it is not a problem it is only there so you can choose you're weapon and some power weapons do not spawn at start. ____________________________________________ Gametype: The Covenant (zombies): As a covenant elite you will have to try and survive and kill the heretics at the same time. You only have three lives to give to the covenant so use them wisely. There are four ranks of covenant elites and they are as follows: Minor, Major, Ultra, and Zealot. Most covenant players will die immediatly at the beggining of each round this will force them to be elite minors. Because of 1 minute respawn traits they will be blue, have less health, do less damage and be unable to drive vehicles. If you manage to survive a minute or where lucky enough to spawn on the ground floor (only in large games) you will become a Major Elite. As a major you have more health, do more damage, run faster, are red, can drive vehicles, and have a waypoint above you're head so the heretics can see you. If you are a major and happn to pick up a custom power up you become an Ultra. As an ultra you are white, do even more damge, are even stronger, and have a waypoint. If you are a Heretic and die you become a Zealot. as a Zealot you are gold run faster, d more damage, are stronger and have a waypoint above your head. All ranks except the Minor can drive vehicles. _______________________________________________________________ Heretics (human(s)): As a Heretic elite you betrayed the Covenant and began helping the UNSC. You have been sent on a mission to take out every last Covenant elite in a certain area. You spawn in a sort of armory room where you get to choose how you are going to kill the covenant. Most people stickc with sniper and sword, but a lasor or fuel-rod could help against vehicles and a carbine can help to take out multiple minors fast. As a Heretic you can run very fast jump really high and have active camoflage, however you must keep stealth on your side because if the Covenant spot you, you are done for. You have very little health and die very fast. Your goal as a Heretic is to kill each and every one of the Covenant elites, they only each have 3-4 lives to make it easier, you also must try and stay stealthy and survive. Try and take out minors before they get promoted to higher ranks and be sure to keep a watch on one of the 2 missle pods on the map to take out air-support. Usually there is only one Heretic but if you have 14 or more there will be multiple or if someone joins late in the game. You are welcome to change the settings to make however many Heretics you like. ____________________________________________ Pictures: ______________________________________________________________ Download links: Map: Gametype:
Wow. Looks amazing. The architecture is very well built. The scarab is my favorite one; it has lots of detail AND it's in a playable map AND there are tons of other detailed structures. I have a couple of questions though. 1. If possible, can you give us a weapon list of the armories? 2. Same as above, except this time for the ground level? 3. Would this map work well with regular Slayer, KotH, etc? Defiantly a download from me, very nice map and even nicer aesthetics.
Oh... my... god. Lately there has been some Humans vs Covenant maps and gametypes, but this is an awesome game. I never thought of playing Heretics vs Covenant Loyalists even though my favorite H2 mission is The Arbiter (when you fight the Heretics, 'The Oracle' isn't as fun because those pesky flood are in the mix). Besides, who doesn't like a Scarab on a playable map? I've DLed a map that tried to make a Scarab playable, but it was sort of themed after that mission on Halo Wars where the Scarab is only partly built and you destroy the cannon part, but that map had a full Scarab. BTW, what in the world is happening in this pic? (in the spoiler) Spoiler It looks like they're falling from the sky or something.