Sandbox C-21 Dragon gunship

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Plasma Rifle Elite, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    The C-21 Dragon Assault Ship is a four-rotor VTOL, heavy transport craft and heavy gunship used by the RDA for full-scale military operations against the Na'vi, or as support during small incursions into otherwise hostile territory teeming with vicious megafauna and flora. It is the RDA's most powerful non-nuclear weapon on Pandora. The RDA only had one operational Dragon at the time of the film, though there was actually a second Dragon airframe on Pandora, but most of the main components hadn't arrived from Earth. Quaritch co-ordinated the RDA's assaults on the Hometree and the Tree of Souls from the Dragon Gunship.

    The Dragon is much larger, slower, and less maneuverable than an Aerospatiale SA-2 Samson or a Scorpion Gunship. However, with its myriad arsenal of heavy machine guns, dozens upon dozens of rocket and missile pods, and possible complement of door-gunners, it can function as an excellent lead gunship when mainline Scorpion Gunships are not around or available. To prevent potentially catastrophic friendly-fire incidents resulting from careless use of such firepower, all but the door-guns are constrained by friendly fire IFF (Identification Friend-or-Foe) avoidance codes for safety. Otherwise, it acts mainly as a military air transport, utilizing its ability to land numerous AMP Suits, infantry, and other military vehicles across Pandora. In essence, the Dragon is the military workhorse of the RDA.

    The Dragon Assault Ship has the ability to deploy many infantry units and AMP suits at once, a variety of medium automatic guns, ATG and ATA missiles, door-guns, incendiary rockets, gas canister launchers, grenade launchers, plus dual and quad gatling gun systems. All gun and missile systems are constrained by friendly fire avoidance codes (IFF Lockout). The missiles and guns mounted on huge stub pylons are in a symmetrical set.

    Before Pandora was first discovered, the Dragon was, and still is being used in massed offensives against environmental terrorists and other insurgents on Earth to predictably devastating effect. It was usually used in only the most brutal combat zones, where it leveled major enemy installations with ease before deploying its troop and vehicles onto the ground to proceed with the ground advance in earnest. This earned the Dragon's formidable reputation for being able to inflict 100% enemy casualties in any zone it was deployed to.
    Later modifications were made which replaced the standard forward missile launchers with remotely manned gun-turrets around various points of the ship, allowing it to defend itself from any close-range targets. Additional modifications include the hardening of the ship's electronic systems, to further protect it from both fierce electromagnetic storms on Pandora, and the constant electronic warfare attacks from terrorists on Earth.
    Its standard propulsion system has also been modified, granting it much more forward velocity. The Dragon's original system relied solely on its four rotors for speed, which made it very maneuverable, but unsurprisingly slow. However, jet thrusters have now been added alongside its original four rotors to allow for much higher velocities while moving forward, while maintaining its impressive maneuverability.

    With maximum payload, the Dragon is said to be able to destroy an area the size of Manhattan in six seconds.

    Above info taken from this site:
    Dragon Assault Ship - James Cameron's Avatar Wiki - Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana

    Well, this is it. This is my final Halo 3 Forge map. Before Halo Reach, I would like this to be my memorial to Halo 3's Forge, showing that it's not all that difficult and clunky to use, as Bungie said in their "Forge World" vidoc. So, without further ado, I present my remake. Straight from the movie Avatar, comes the RDA C-21 Dragon gunship.

    This here is my early concept art. I haz drawing skillz!
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    I used this video clip for further reference.

    By far, this is the most difficult map I've built, taking many hours to complete. The hardest section to build was the dual cockpits, because of the lack of small pieces. But I did my best. Another problem is the fact that I ran out of budget, and OLN objects, so nothing about the map can be changed. And most of all, there was that damn glitch that makes all small objects light up like flares, which pissed me off throughout construction.. The map includes most of the weapon set of the Dragon, an interior, a very detailed exterior, and a limited armory. So, now I present, the screenshots.

    The Dragon and its awesome firepower.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    Another overview.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    Frontal view.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    Side view.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    Rear view.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    One of the Dragon's side armament sections.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    One of the two heavy rocket pods.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    The dual cockpits. Note the turrets mounted on the chin.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    The Dragon's frontal firepower.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    And just for you, we took a captive Na'vi warrior so we could demonstrate our firepower.

    Screenshot 1:
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    Screenshot 2:
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    And now, the interior. The mancannon launches you into the Amp Suit deployment bay.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    Looking from the rear, down the length of the Dragon.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    The control room. Note the turret entry in the top left corner.
    By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-25

    Download link: : Halo 3 File Details

    And so, that's it. Thank you for viewing my final map. I'll see you all in the Forge of Halo Reach!

    EDIT: No, I won't see you. I quit Halo Reach months ago. In my opinion, it's extremely subpar, the only game I own that I dislike.

    Thanks to the eight people that made these screenshots possible, and anyone who gave me feedback in my previews!
    #1 Plasma Rifle Elite, Jul 25, 2010
    Last edited: May 24, 2011
  2. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    This looks amazing! From the video, this looks like a very close remake, and I especially like the interior. I know that there is nothing you could do about it, so I will not tell you to fix something that can't be dealt with, but the only thing that I don't like about the ship is the contrast of light and dark of objects, because it really makes the ship unconsistant. In some places, such as the dual exhaust engines above the dual cockpits, the contrast really brings out the aesthetics of the ship, but in other places, such as the entire front part of the ship, the contrast takes away from the aesthetics and leaves roughness in its place. All in all contrast really does take away more than it adds, so that's why I don't like that. But why am I wasting your time on a problem that you can't fix? I don't know, so I will stop talking about that and instead waste your time with compliments about the awsomeness of this ship! From looking at all of the screenshots of the front of your ship, you can truly see all of the detail in the weapons that were used as the artillary power of the ship, such as the rockets and missle pods, and it proves that you definately spent a lot of time and effort on this beast of a ship, and for that, I give you major props. However, I still have two questions. One is that in your cockpit interior picture, you tell us how we can get into the turret, but how do we get into the warthog gauss turret? And also, from you first interior picture, it looks like you can go further into the back of the ship, like in the movie where they had the explosives to destoy home tree, but can you? The lack of a screenshot of that area makes me either think that you can't go into the back, or that maybe you just forgot? Anyways, great remake!
  3. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    To post above:

    Sadly, there was nothing I could do about the light and dark blocks. You may have noticed that it's only the small pieces that light up, this is a glitch that can't be fixed, and constantly annoyed me throughout construction. About the rear section, the bit where they pushed out the explosives was on another ship, the large shuttle known as the Valkrie (hope I spelled that right). The Dragon never dropped explosives. However, you can go into the rear section, although nothing is there.
  4. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    Have you tried any filter effects to get rid of the glowing blocks? I like the attention to detail. I think you could make it even more detailed by trapping some fusions coils and teleporters within the walls to give the control room a humming sound. But i understand you don't have the objects for that. I think you should talk to some of the screenshot pro's around here. See if they'll take some really awesome shots of the ship for ya. Great map!
  5. Hat

    Hat Guest

    Epic. Pure epic. The only thing that could make this any better if you made it for infection where the zombies have a lot of cover to run up to the ship and have to try to get in and infect the ship, but you shouldn't change any of the work on the ship. It looks great. 9.3/10
  6. ringOFtones

    ringOFtones Ancient

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    This is a very close remake, with great detail. I really like the interior. But couldnt you have ghost merged out in the dark so you wouldnt get the light pieces?
  7. Kilenum

    Kilenum Ancient
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    i wish you could choose what pieces were a lighter color. I think It looks great in the back of the ship. The vents are light with darker color housing. It looks great man great job see you in forge world.
  8. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Believe it or not, all of the filter effects make it worse. They darken the already dark blocks, and make the light ones stand out even more.

    I did make this out in the desert, but a glitch made all small pieces light up.
    #8 Plasma Rifle Elite, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2010
  9. goop

    goop Ancient
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    This map is so good my mouth is watering. GREAT JOB. Playable and Aesthetic. You know in Reach you can make an army of these things.
  10. Ching Chong Kid

    Ching Chong Kid Ancient
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    Wow, this is one of the best "ships" I've seen in a while. I know people are always making Halo spaceship replicas and what not but I like the idea of this one better. Plus, I know here it's coming from.
  11. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    Shut up kid! Your posts are annoying! Be mature in your post and stop acting like a 10 year old boy. Read this or die in flames

    Okay, your welcome everybody for saving the day. Now for the map (cracks fingers) this is really good map. Its the 3rd biggest ship I had ever seen. It looks very nice. But i suggest you build it higher in sandbox in the middle floor. That way it will be very hard to notice the lighting on the blocks. And instead of the grav lift, you should use a teleporter.
  12. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Actually, since I ran out of items and budget, I couldn't put down any more than one object. And since people like armories more than teleporters, I decided to save items by using a mancannon. And I didn't build it in the middle because I didn't put the smaller light-up pieces on until near the end, when it was too late to restart. So, :( for me...

    To the other guy who Mochasun quoted, I already haz Recon, and can haz Recon and "Teh Flamez" in Reach, because I preordered Legendary.
  13. AnthraXe187

    AnthraXe187 Guest

    I know I am going to get a lot of people mad but I didn't like Avatar that much. But the ship is an absolute beast! Very accurate, and detailed. If you had more pieces you could have EASILY made a very creative game out of this.

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