Looking at the new footage of Forge World, me and my friend GI J0BE pieced together a layout of Forge world. This thread has also been tweaked and edited with brand new pictures, courtesy of LieutenantLambo. We are still uncertain of a few things but this should make it all a lot clearer. I will compare parts of our drawings to screenshots I have taken from the videos and screenshots from Bungie's website to show you what is where, etc. [/URL] This is the full, planned view of Forge world to our knowledge. In the top right is the remake of Blood Gulch now called Hemorrhage or "The Canyon". Below that to the left a little is the entrance to the rest of the map, including "The Coliseum", "The Quarry", "The Pillar", "The Island", "The Coastline", "Alaska", "Montana", and "The Lagoon". This is Hemorrhage, also referred to as "The Canyon": [/URL] [/URL] I know, it's HUGE! There are lots of interesting rock faces that we can use with the placeable rocks to form all sorts of cool caves. At the back of Hemorrhage is a large beach called "The Coastline", bigger than the beach on Last Resort[/URL]. Beyond this is the section that connects Hemorrhage to the rest of the map (looking back at Hemorrhage). The Coastline: [/URL] [/URL] Some interesting thing may arise from this small area. Directly to the left of Hemorrhage is a quite large area on top of a couple of cliffs, called "Alaska": [/URL] I saw quite alot could be fitted into Alaska. There are also more beaches and rocks to the left of this area. [/URL] [/URL] Next is The Island: [/URL] Bungie said that this area is capable of hosting 16 player matches and also has a few caves built into the rocks. It puts in perspective just how big the rest of the map is. Here are real pictures of the island: [/URL] [/URL] You can just about see an entrance to a cave on the first picture of the island. The Coliseum is pretty much like The Crypt but with one face open to the world. I am sure this will be able to be closed up with the giant floor peices that can be placed in forge. Location of The Coliseum (also shows the flat grassland above, known as "The Quarry"): [/URL] The Coliseum: [/URL] [/URL] The Quarry: [/URL] [/URL] In this next picture The Coliseum is shown with the dotted lines and the flat area of grass above it is the solid line: [/URL] The Quarry looks to be capable of housing similar maps to The Coliseum but in an outside landscape. I also included the rock in this picture which we drew a little inaccurate . It should be to the left of The Coliseum. The Rock: [/URL] I am really excited about The Rock because it looks like is can hold crazy suspended maps similar to Blackout and Narrows using the cliff face to the right as well. Could there possibly be more?! Yes! There are plenty more forging spots! The Pillar: [/URL] This area is above and beyond the Quarry and stretches nearly all the way to that valhalla looking base design. Montana: [/URL] And finally, The Lagoon! This definitely looks like an awesome spot to Forge!: [/URL] [/URL] I cant wait to see what comes from this monster of a map so I'll see you guys in Forge World on 9/14/10!
Wait you made a new thread instead of updating your thread already about this. I can't see many new things added to the thread. But seems to be a rough layout good work with making the images a Few errors that reviewing the videos should help with but I can't really explain how to fix it to complicated. But 2 threads of the same things is kinda redundant. (and most likely result in a lock)
Why make a new thread when you haven't changed anything? The ****.. I did try remaking the map in illustrator but it looked like some rugrats ****. I may try again after my tea, I dunnos..
Why did you start a new thread for this? Your original thread isn't even on the second page yet. You should have edited your OT and noted it as edited as you changed it. That way people keeping up with your thread would know what you changed, and people not reading your thread wont need to read it twice. Also the questions, comments, and concerns of the posters to your OT wont be heard on this thread.
**** this screws with my Yamato map! I didn't realize that the Coliseum was so damn close to the lagoon. this changes everything. I wonder if the water by blue base is far enough out to allow a full sized battleship to be placed there? man I wish we had a better understanding of the water in and around forgeworld.
I'm trying to not really decide what the forge world is going to look like before the game comes out. I want it to be a surprise XD
Thanks for the great pictures Elliot, and thanks for the Rugrats **** Ben! This gets me thinking... Will Forge World be too big to get a good overview image of the whole map?
I actually made a thread in the Bungie forums asking if they could post an overview (obviously with a map that big, they would have to use exterior tools to get that high) but no dice.
Isn't Forge World supposed to be all around ths massive island? I first thought that you would be able to get to the top of this moutain and forge up there to. Would have been great that way :/
yea that would be cool if we could go way up by the mountain, but i think that what we have seen so far is what we are going to get. Forge world is still pretty darn big though.. cant wait for it.
I think that Valhalla like structure is a place we can forge on but Bungie is keeping that a secret for now
On bungie.net they talked about being able to fly there but being killed by the guardians just as you arrive. AKA, it's well in the softkill zone.
I'm getting confused. Everyone is saying that the pillar is the official name for the rock but there's no way. They appear to be totally different areas. Can someone clear this up for me?
Most of the names were taken from Bungie's blog. Obviously they aren't completely "official" names but they are what most people are calling them now. The names on this thread are correct and what they are most commonly referred to as.
I hope the next weekly update will give some info about Forge World (like how long the water goes out behind the blue base, etc), and hopefully a detailed overview image of the map, so us forgers can start getting some great ideas.
I'm pretty sure your proportions of Hemorage (how to spell?) are wrong. The island is a huge place meant for big team battles. Yes, you need to make Hemorage a lot smaller.
I thought it would be a good idea to chuck this one in to the mix.. sorry for the tower being in the way, but it was the best screenshot i could get from the video, and the only thing behind it is the island, which we all know about. Hopefully this gives everyone a clearer idea on the way forgeworld is shaped. Also it is an epic overview shot which shows the sheer size of the place. EDIT: I've gone through the trouble of labelling the screenshot, in case it wasnt clear enough for you what everything was. The only thing I had trouble with is what part of the map is actually the so-called 'montana.' The highest part of the screenshot that i labelled as Montana is the most likely in my opinion as we have no evidence that the other parts are actually accessable (this clip could have been recorded using internal tools), although we can hope. click on the yellow bars above the screenshots to see them clearer.