When playing Morrowind, I went to open up my inventory, but the quick-keys menu popped up, saying I had to set 9 items/magical **** to my numerical keys. I set them, then clicked OK and my F1 screen closed down. I clicked F1 again, and it came up with the quick keys. Moral: The quick-keys menu wont dissapear, I can't move it/dissolve it and I can't click on anything else such as my items/equipment... Help is appreciated
I never played morrowind, but I did play oblivion on both PC and xbox so I'm not sure if this post would help you or not. While playing on pc, I downloaded a lot of mods to enhance gameplay including some user created patches for the game that Bethesda didn't create i.e.unofficial patches. I suggest you go to a morrowind LEGIT modding site/forums and look around. See if you can find a patch for your problem.