too bad you WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO DO THAT!! No, I couldn't have done any of this without you guys' help. My monumental thanks to (in no particular order and by Gamertag): The Texan83 Scout Number 74 (and guest) Blakem0n92 Azrius Lost FaMouS Uncle Fuzzy 1 NuTTy POw3R A Dark Pixie (and guest) Angseth titaneve I hope I didn't butcher anyone's GT, as I am worn out with racking my brain enough today, and I'm too lazy right now to retrieve them from the vids. Anyways, I cannot thank you enough. :squirrel_rubberduck:squirrel_rocking::squirrel_grouphug:
Glad to help mate. Shame your mic wasn't working. Hopefully I did a decent job as an impromptu director.
Kudos to ya, Waylander. My mic really has been giving me issues, even in matchmaking. It wouldn't have come together nearly as well without your help directing. Even with you getting up early for the whole thing. I hope the end product does not disappoint in any way, given the effort everyone put in. @ BiznisHippie: Isn't that him in the middle? My apologies if I made an oversight. Like I said, my brain is fried from trying to explain stuff, even as confusing as I may have been.
I completely forgot about this. It also didn't help that i slept til 3 my time. Oh well. I hope everything went well.
To tell you the truth, I had forgotten this was yesterday too. I saw KwrikyJ was starting a custom game, and I thought, "Oh, this will be fun. Custom Games with forge hubbers." Turns out it the machinima I signed for. Either way, it was really good fun and kwirky, you know that skyjack would make killer footage.
I can't wait to see the end product, and I'm glad I was able to be a part of this. If you need any cast members for any future Machinima productions, I'll be happy to help, and I can more than likely get Seth in on it again as well.
Those who forgot, forgiven. ...this time around. I surprised so many forgot, but I did end up with a large enough turnout (but only just). Should I need to reshoot or get any new material, you all will be the first to know.