Case and Point: Why Halo: Reach is Better Than Modern Warfare 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Brodellsky, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Halo 3 (and Reach) have always been compared to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. However, I wanted to take the time to go through every reason I can think of and prove why Modern Warfare 2 not only is worse than Halo 3 and Reach, but why Mw2 simply just sucks in general. I'll start it off from the "Mw2 Fanboy's" arguing perspective.

    1. Halo sucks, it's so unrealistic!
    At least it doesn't pretend to be unrealistic. It's a video game. It's not supposed to be just like IRL. Call of Duty is as unrealistic, if not more, than Halo is. I'm pretty sure if you were shot in the heart just once with any gun, you would die. However, in Call of Duty that simply isn't the case at all. If you aren't using the incredibly unrealistic perk Stopping Power, it's even worse. Also, you can shoot someone in the leg a few times and they will die. How it that realistic?

    Other things that make the game unrealistic are listed in the following, but not limited to: knifing people in the leg and killing them, throwing knives into someone's foot and killing them, flashbangs, stun grenades, heartbeat sensors, thermal scopes, the entire perk system, killing someone by hitting them with a Riot Shield twice (or once if you're in Hardcore), and the list goes on.

    Also, considering Halo is set over 500 years from now, it is impossible to even say that it is unrealistic. Mw2 is set in the present day so that judgment is easily made. People might also say that "it takes forever to kill someone in Halo". All I can say to that is, are your hitmarkers any different? At least in Halo it's expected to take longer, and everyone has the equal amount of health, even if it does take more bullets. Call of Duty, who knows how many bullets to the chest it's gonna take, and they aren't wearing practically any armor at all.

    2. Halo sucks, it takes no skill!
    Really? Terrible troll, 0/10. Actually you what? You're right. It takes so much skill to use a n00b tube. And the shotguns are soooo hard to use. And shooting someone with an RPG? Damn, that's hard to do. Stunning someone and throwing a semtex grenade around the corner? You must be pro if you can do that.

    Obviously kidding. The weapons are incredibly unbalanced in Call of Duty. Being able to pick what you want universally for any map or gametype is the source of this. In Halo, as all of you know, you pick up weapons you want, and they are always balanced (as long the map creator knows what he's doing, but we'll get into being able to create a map in the first place later). There is a Risk vs. Reward system that's set in place, so that really gets rid of those annoying campers, because they don't have to go anywhere to get the gun they wanna use.

    In Reach, this balance is furthered by the fact that the loadouts are set to each individual gametype and ultimately, map. There are weapons still placed on the map though, which keeps the game moving. And when you put your crosshair on someone, that's where the shot goes. They don't disperse randomly when you're shooting from the hip. That's another thing that's unrealistic, but hey, unrealism is everywhere in Call of Duty.

    3. Halo Reach is gonna suck, they used Impact for the game’s font!

    Shut up Norlinsky.

    4. Halo sucks, the graphics are so bad!

    Also, shut up Norlinsky.

    Considering Halo 3 came out in 2007, yeah, they are nothing special. However, have you seen the textures on Mw2? Really. Go look at them. Like, look at the rock walls in Afghan. The textures are horrid. Reach’s graphics have improved so much, being on a new engine. And guess what? The textures are actually good looking, and defined. Srs.

    Now, let’s see why Halo: Reach has so much on Call of Duty. I’ll make it in bullet points so it’s nice and easy to see.

    • Forge. Self-Explanitory, you’ve all seen it, it’s amazing. Mw2 has nothing like that.

    • Theater. Isn’t it sweet to not have your capture card running all the time? Isn’t it sweet to not even need a capture card thanks to Bungie Pro rendering? Isn’t it sweet to be able to view your games from any angle? Isn’t it sweet to take screenshots? Isn’t it sweet to do all of this in Mw2? What, you can’t do any of that in Call of Duty? Bawwww :(

    • Co-op campaign. Let’s face it, campaigns can be pretty bad sometimes. (Mw2’s was quite short, and kinda boring) but being able to go through the entire storyline with your friends is just kick ass, and makes it more fun.
    • Playing online with guests. No wonder you don’t have any friends coming over to your house. It’s boring to watch you play.

    • Customizable player models. Who doesn’t wanna look like a badass?

    • File Sharing. You can share all your games, and make any mini game or custom game you want, and actually save it and send to people.

    • Promoting to leader. Hey guys, this guy can’t join my game, you host the lobby. Ok, *back out*, invite, invite, invite, invite…

    • No glitches. They ruined the game. Remember the Javelin glitch, Care Package glitch, Care Package glitch that made you run faster, etc.

    • No modders. You won’t find any 10 Prestige Lobbies in Halo. Or people using Wall Hax. Or people using their always on UAV. Or modded controllers.

    The list could go on and on, but I think that’s good for now.

    So why exactly do people play Call of Duty? Really, what's so enticing about it? I'm a 5th Prestige and I'm wondering that exact question. Because honestly, it is not good. At all. Halo: Reach is going to spank Mw2, and I am seriously so excited for that. I'm not a fanboy of Halo, I've been playing Mw2 since it came out. However, looking even from an objective point of view, Halo is simply the better game.

  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Also, Halo: Reach has cookies. You can come over to this side if you'd like some! All we got left is the plain cookies though, because of the millions of people who have played the Halo series and taken all of them!
  3. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Call of Duty games are just fillers inbetween Halos. What ive been saying.
  4. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    This. Hopefully Black ops is no let down though, I'm actually looking forward to that one.
  5. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    CoD games cannot compare to Reach or Halo in general. Reach will dominat MW2 and Black Ops.
  6. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    I prefer Psychonauts to Banjo Kazooie, too.
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    All games that I have yet to play are better than any Modern Warfare game.
  8. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    First of all, I really don't know why the hell you put in the fact that Flashbangs and Stun Grenades don't exist, or are just plain unrealistic. Also, another thing I'd like to note is that Thermal Imaging Scopes DO infact exist, and I again, don't know how or why they're "Unrealistic"

    On your second point, you state that bullets only fly straight.

    I've played a few Halo games before, and I'm pretty sure not all the bullets fly straight. Another thing I'd like to point out, is that, if you've ever fired a gun in real life, you'd know that bullets disperse randomly, mainly from Wind Direction, Altitude, etc etc. even if you're using a scope, Holographic sight (EOTech), ACOG, or Red Dot Sight (while there are other rail attachments, I picked the most known ones from the Call of Duty Series) it won't fire straight. The attachments are made from the bullets highest point.

    You can kill someone by knifing or shooting them in the leg, I believe it's your thigh that has a major vein or artery that if cut or shot or w/e, you can bleed out and die, why would they make it an instant kill? Because you're going to die from it no matter what (Last/Final Stand gayness can occur)

    On your last note, where you say "No Modders" ... might I remind you of these things called Modded Maps? Hell, just look at Halo CE on the PC. Not having the option to promote a person to Leader in MW2 isn't so bad, hell, just grab everyone in a party and Party Invite.

    "Customizable Character" is it REALLY that big of a deal? I mean hell, you BARELY see your guy anyways. Yes, I use it in Halo 3, mainly just because it is there. Customizable Characters mean nothing, and can only give super Halo Fanboys chills or make them jealous when they see an armor variant they want, but can't have.

    "Co-Op Campaign", something that W@W had, not MW2, but one of the Call of Duty's have it. I'd like to go through the Campaign with my friends, sure, cool, whatever. If it's there, hell, I'll use it.

    Going back to the top of the page, it could just be me, but I see you contradict yourself..

    "At least it doesn't pretend to be unrealistic. It's a video game. It's not supposed to be just like IRL. Call of Duty is as unrealistic, if not more, than Halo is. I'm pretty sure if you were shot in the heart just once with any gun, you would die. However, in Call of Duty that simply isn't the case at all. If you aren't using the incredibly unrealistic perk Stopping Power, it's even worse. Also, you can shoot someone in the leg a few times and they will die. How it that realistic?"

    You said yourself, it's a video game, yet you continue to go on about how IRL you can die by just one bullet, etc etc. It's a video game and is supposed to be for fun, it's NOT supposed to be 100% realistic. Halo and CoD are both different games, different timelines, each game has their own Realistic and Non-Realistic portions about it. This is just my two cents on your post.

    If anyone wants to rip thoughts into shreds, please do. :)
  9. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Yes, but Call of Duty plays it off as its realistic, when it's not.

    And yes I'm aware of the bullets, but in Mw2 you can put your barrel down someone's throat with an Intervention and if you are firing from the hip, somehow you'll magically miss.

    We're there any modded maps in Halo 3 Matchmaking? No.
    Was anything modded in Halo 3 matchmaking? No.
    Customs don't really count, because they don't advance your progression.
  10. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Why Halo: Reach is bad:

    1) Impact font. Herp derp! Lemme photoshop this Xbox game real quick!
    2) Halo: CE graphics. Come on, this is 2010.
    3) Infinity Ward made it. And we ALL know that Bungie and their national best-seller Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is way better.
  11. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Modern Warfare 2 rewards you for DYING CONSECUTIVELY.

    It's literally baby's first FPS. Any game is better than it.
  12. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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  13. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Now you know what's better than Halo and Call of Duty combined? Quake.
  14. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    I agree with the whole "Halo > CoD", especially since this is a Halo fan site, you're probably not going to find anyone that is against your point, with many bias opinions, but I have some just nit-picky points.

    You mention right off the bat the Halo: Reach is better than MW2, which I'll admit the Beta for Reach was more enjoyable than MW2 in a whole, but you can't claim a game that isn't out is better than a released game. This is something I dub "Modern Warfare 2 syndrome", everyone was excited for MW2, people were flapping their gums saying that "MW2 will be the best game of all time". Boy were they mistaken, the only enjoyable experience was Spec Opps, because the controls were good and mechanics and all, but IW couldn't string good characters, story, etc. to this game, meaning that it was a good driving vehicle, that looks like a turd with wheals.

    CoD4 was a good game, even though IW was pretty well just lucky it seems. Despite grenades and grenade related perks, M16, and MP5 (which is debatable), the game was balanced, had good maps, and was an enjoyable experience. Halo 3 came out the same year as CoD4, and yes CoD4 had its share of bugs, but the overall experience of the game was fun. MW2 did little to add to that experience. They 'removed' weapons even though they're still hidden within the game's code, and added weapons that are totally OP, and tailored the game to the less skilled player with means such as n00b tubes, Commando, OMA, camp friendly maps, etc.

    Comparing these games feels like you beating a dead horse, and for what? The few enjoyable twitches to satisfy your need of watching fanboys defend game series 'till death? Both games are different. The CoD series has always been tailored to the casual gamer, considering the matchmaking system has no way to avoid joining a game in progress, and the instant rewards for everything you do in a multiplayer game. Bungie set out to get Halo an enjoyable experience for fans, where they learn from their mistakes and better the game with it. IW did nothing of the sort, and have made no sign of fix any problems or faults.

    I'm a Halo fan at heart, I enjoy the CoD series to a point, but I think this thread would have turn out better to just list why MW2 is faulty, and not compare your shiny new turd to another's shiny new turd.
  15. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah lol i mean come one dude i do agree with you on alot of the stuff. But MW2 isn't supposed to be Halo and vise versa, MW2 is a run and gun kill game that is well lets face it really really unrealistic, but on the contrary they only game iv played that is semi realistic is Flashpoint and its only a mp campaign game, it would take way too much programing power to make an FPS take into account all the environmental factors that actually do affect a gun. All you would wind up with is people camping out to make sure they can line up good shots, if there was such a game run and gun would never work cause you'd be firing from the hip and not hit ****.

    Now on the Pro Reach side, people who are comparing the game off a beta or released info, um STFU its a dam beta that doesn't mean the game is gona be like that at all. You can't say MW2 is better when the game hasn't even come out. In my all honest personal opinion MW was way better than MW2, it was more balanced.

    So really dude/dudes/dudets let it go Fanboy bs back in forth is just that BS!!!!!
  16. Hat

    Hat Guest

    I'm going to shoot mine. :D

    Thank you sir for posting this thread. It gives proof how reach is better than MW2 instead of"R3ACH 1S G01NG TO B3 SO L3373R THAN MW2 L0L0L0L0L0L0L0L!!" People are going to try to make ways that mw2 is better, but the fact is that Reach is going to have so much more than Mw2. It doesn't mean Mw2 is bad, that's you're opinion.
  17. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Not to mention there seems to be a maturity gap between the two games...
  18. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Awwww. This thread reminded me that the imagination of children is precious.

    What the hell are you talking about? Golden Sun and Day of the Tentacle are WAY better than Banjo Kazooie. Psychonauts is pretty Raz.

    PURPLEXCARROT Forerunner

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    Was number 3 delibratly wrong. And It has better graphics than Halo:CE
    And also who really cares about font. Yeah i'm gonna walk into GAME and look at Halo:Reach and think wow i ain't gettin that, look it has IMPACT font.

    And in the end we all know that halo is better than MW2.
  20. LD

    LD Ancient
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    Useless discussion. All those Fanboy threads are totally one sided and narrow minded. Some people prefer Halo, some prefer MW, where is the problem?

    I'm only online in Halo 3 when I forge or when I test, the rest of the time I play MW or MW2. am I stupid or immature? You can't judge something that depends on personal preference. Where is the whole point of this? Are you trying to convince a Halo based community that a Halo Game is better than MW? If you don't like MW, don't play it, if you want to prove that Reach is better than MW, play Reach first.
    I'm not trying to say that I like MW more than Halo, because Halo CE is still my favourite Game to play, but flaming another game doesn't make any sense.

    Comparing video games is like comparing religion, both are expensive, both are useless and both are unimportant

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