Welcome to, M A N C A L A This idea started as just a simple mini-game for me. I was on a mongoose in matchmaking with rockets and a sniper. I thought of how fun it was doing this so I decided to make a map. And sure there are battle tracks and racetracks, but I wanted a two-teamed game, without spawn-killing, where you could choose your weapon. While this map isn't exactly like the little image in my mind, I thought that it would work fine. However, this is still a V1. Originally, there were going to be two active hills on the side platforms, but it didn't turn out this way cause that couldn't happen. The only problem with this map is that people still walk around the race track on foot. With power-weapons. Granted, those power weapons have fair respawns, but it's still annoying when they do. Right now the map can run (I believe) Assault, CTF, two-sided territories, king of the hill, and oddball. Well, on to the pictures I suppose. This is an overview of the playing field. Players spawn in elevated bases that contain various weapons, vehicles, and equipment. This is the inside of the base. Each base has 2 snipers, a rocket launcher, 2 BR's, a sentinal beam, 4 frags, 2 plasmas, a bubble shield, a plasma pistol, 4 mongooses, a ghost, and a warthog. The windows at your spawn allow you to kill anyone camping your base. The other items on the map are 2 brute shots, an overshield, a deployable cover, and a trip mine. That's about it. This map would be so much better in Reach. But, oh well. Download MANCALA HERE
Wow, seems like fun. I would prob do it rocket race style ( I am pro with rocket mongoose) The map is simple but definately some decent eye candy in there. Love how you used the filters as it brings out the asplosions in this map. Dled. 5/5. Especially for originality.
So this map is like a race track and a competitive map combined? I do not know how it owuld work but it definitly seems interesting. Also, I would not put an armory on a competeive map, gameplay just never works with competitive maps an armorys.
Well the armory is there because I needed a central vehicle spawn, and since I wanted to make it styled for "goose + powerweapon" I needed the weapons to be there as well.