Death From Above

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by TheForeverAirman, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. TheForeverAirman

    TheForeverAirman Forerunner

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    Death From Above
    Can you survive the three minutes?
    Download Map
    Download Gametype
    The two infected spawn on platforms in the sky bubble. The humans spawn on the mid level. The zombies are armed with sniper rifles, while the humans are armed with gravity hammers and magnums. The humans have limited cover with which to survive three minutes until they can access two teleporters, one to each zombie. There are three pieces of cover; One made up of floating pallettes, one made of half walls with fusion coils surrounding it, and one made of a floating wooden bridge with fusion coils on top and on bottom. There are also two two-way teleporters which take you from one side of the field to the other.Four killballs will spawn periodically, killing any humans unlucky enough to bestanding in the wrong place at the wrong time, as well as adding extra hazards. FX will also spawn periodically. If the humans manage to survive the three minutes, they can take teleporters to the zombies, and take them out.

    A view of where the human area, at the begining of the game.

    The same view, 3 minutes into the game.

    The zombie's view of the map.

    This is the first map I've finished on Sandbox, and I'd like some constructive criticism.
    #1 TheForeverAirman, Jul 28, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Three pieces of cover? It looks like you spent less than 100 dollars of your budget on this map. While the idea is cool, I don't think it plays well. They have a gametype like this in action sack, but it's not fun at all in my opinion. If you wanted to enhance this map, make walls around the zombie platform so that they cannot kill themselves come the three minute mark and add A LOT more cover for the humans. Give the zombies multiple angles so that no piece of cover is safe for too long.
  3. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
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    Wow! Are you giving the Humans a death wish or something, they have no chance to live with no cover. Looks like you spend little money and put no time, effort, or thought into the map.
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    To be quite honest, this is incredibly unoriginal and is more like a hugely simplified version of one of the "Zeus" maps in Action Sack Matchmaking. There is almost no cover at all. Aside from the wooden bridge which explodes, all of the structures are open-ceiling so is completely useless to the humans. Did you try testing this because it seems like the humans have no chance unless the zombie isn't playing...
  5. TheForeverAirman

    TheForeverAirman Forerunner

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    I've taken your advice and added more cover, and made it impossible for the zombies to suicide. Any other recommendations?
  6. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    How much more cover? Can we get a screenshot? And I would suggest making it compatible with multiple gametypes. Anything offensive/defensive would would. Put the offensive team and the defensive objective on the main floor and put the defenders in the skybubble.
  7. HunterYM

    HunterYM Forerunner
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    I suggest using temporary cover such as pallets so that the humans have some sort of chance of staying alive, then make a series of ramps that spawn after 30 seconds that lead to a teleporter so that the humans can kill the zombie at some point. If you add those things into this idea I think this could be a really good map.
  8. TheForeverAirman

    TheForeverAirman Forerunner

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    For some reason, I can't find the map anymore. It was in my saved maps, but now it isn't.

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