Lets just say: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-discussion/102017-thursday.html He was right and the trailer was awesome. I saw Jorge either dead or injured at the scene with the elites rushing Carter. I have a feeling Noble 6 will be the only survivor of the team.
I wish they would stop showing us more and more about the game, it just makes it impossible to wait. Anyways, after watching the video I really want to know whose dogtags he's holding 40 seconds in.
That scene with all the warthogs and falcons was in the first ViDoc but now there's actually textures on everything so it looks awesome.
I'm gonna have to somehow force myself to not look at any more campaign stuff because I think it will ruin the epic feel when I first see it in campaign. The trailer looks great and I'm getting more hyped for reach than halo 2 or halo 3. The music sounds amazing too, I love the work that Marty puts into the halo games, it justs takes the experience to a whole other level that very few other games can get to. However, the music from the campaign trailer from E3 and the firefight trailer sounded really bad IMO. This has now given me confidence that the music in reach will be nothing short of phenomenal!
It appears that enemies will actually try to hunt you down and kill you instead of standing and shooting. That's definitely a serious upgrade in the fun and dificulty of campaign. Firefight will be better when there are elites coming out of nowhere with a sword.
To me, when the elite jumps into the screen, it reminds me of the melee combat scenes from Call of Duty 3 (if you played the game you know what I mean) where you had to rapidly press two buttons a few times to get through a hand to hand combat scene. I liked it but the trailer seemed a little short and it seemed more like a release trailer. It does have me even more excited to play the campaign.
Someone (me) is gonna have a tough time on my first try (I'll be playing normal - normally I go for easy first, but when I first played Halo 3 I finished the first level and went back to the game later, and when I was done the game I realized I was doing it on normal ) just because of Elites. I'm not used of fighting them anymore (except on XLive, but that doesn't count!) BTW, Now there is no way I won't do campaign before other things, even forge. Forge is there forever, and there isn't any way to give spoilers for it. People can do that with campaign.
I was beginning to wonder is Bungie had told us Reach would be a much darker story after seeing all of the fun-for-all multiplayer goodies. Then I was remember that they said ODST would have a different tone about it too, which it did but not one which had much of an effect on me. Then I saw this trailer. Jaw dropping. You just couldn't do some of those scenes with Master Chief. The most emotion he ever shows is when Johnson is killed and he tightens his hand around Cortana's storage disc while she's up on the control panel. Campaign will be the first thing I do too. After I've pimped my Spartan had a quick flick through all the menus and options. My first game will be in Campaign and it shall rock.
Yeah, the whole faceless hero can make it quite hard to display emotion. Also, with Master Chief being a tank (and beating everything), massive head on battles wouldn't work. Which is probably why Bungie aren't using Master Chief for this 'military style' campaign.
F**k yeah it's the most anticipated game of the year! And they're only making it worse with every Vidoc and updated news.
Yeah, I noticed this was overlook. For some reason I'm also interested in those two things at the bottom left, they remind me of wind turbines and I think they look really cool, although they probably serve no purpose in camaign OR multiplayer (other than aesthetics).
The crashed ship at the end looked amazing. Bungie keeps crashing ships in Halo games but that is by far the best looking one. I thought the stripped ships on Boneyard were realistic, just strewn across a wasteland but that Covenant ship wreckage laying in the mountains looks awesome. Farewell Battle Whale.