When Forge 2.0 and Forge World Hits, I'm planning on tearing it apart. I have made many maps and have plenty of experience standardizing them to the Bungie format, so that all the basic gametypes work as they should. I was disturbed when I couldn't share my maps with a lot of people (I considered my maps "must-haves"). I just didn't understand how to market them well enough. Now, I have a huge list of forge projects that I'm going to tackle when Reach is released. I think I can market them into the forgehub forums effectively this time, and I promise to keep in touch in my blog (especially when Reach hits), for anyone who wants to follow it. Here is a brief summary of the huge list I have: I plan on creating remakes from the various halo games. (I'm excited for Beaver Creek!) I'm going to take the basic frames from Halo Wars maps and reimagine them as small to medium sized competitive maps. I'm going to take favourite maps from Star Wars: Battlefront II (like Coruscant and Mos Eisley). I'm going to recreate maps from Shadowrun (like Dig Site and Powerhouse). I think it's especially appropriate, because a few game designers who worked on Shadowrun helped create Halo: Reach, and there are many parallels in the gameplay mechanics between the two. I'm also going to remake some of my own maps, such as Vanguard, The Box Factory, and The Valley of Corrupted Gravity. Not to mention my arena maps, which entail crazy, unpredictable gameplay. If you're up for it, I encourage you to follow me or my blog, especially around the time of Reach's release. If you want to know what to expect, here is my Halo 3 fileshare. You might find that my fileshare is a serious mess, but I'm planning on correcting that when Reach is here. Feel free to PM me for any reason. If you like my maps (or if you don't, I guess) I urge you to tell your friends about me. I want to share my fun with as many people as possible. If you want to, you can request or suggest maps to me. Tell me which remakes from any of the games I mentioned are your favorites! You might just affect which ones I tackle first. The list, for your convenience. Halo CE Halo 2 Halo 3 Halo Wars Star Wars: Battlefront II Shadowrun Thanks!
i never thought about battlefront 2 remakes.... sounds pretty good. Kamino is perfect. its structure is very forerunner-like
ever since i saw forgeworld i was thinking kamino as well those dish objects would be perfect for the structures on kamino
If we're talking about a real remake, once where you've calculated the distances and changes in gameplay, including vertical gameplay and field of vision, and not a remake that seems about the same, I'd love to see The Pit. It's one of my favorite Halo maps ever, and I have doubts people who aren't really committed to it will get all the nuances of it just right.
I think its good. Yes, there are walkways, but then you have that building and those circular openings between the paths. I think it could work
Halo Wars maps would be tough but could be very interesting on how you scale it down. Im planning on taking ideas from the previous maps from the halo games and try to combine ideas
NO!!! Star Wars: Battlefront II was my idea. Lol its kewl though its not like it's copy-written right?
Not to rain on the parade here, but coming to ForgeHub and saying you're "good at forge and can work to the standards of Bungie" doesn't make people want to follow you. Look around, Forgehub is the largest Forging community on the web. Post your maps, and we'll take a look at them. Rarely do people follow people blindly, for the record.
Duely noted. . My point with Bungie standards is, I rarely find a map that has all gametypes implemented and is fairly balanced, (like a Bungie map). Everything I find is "made for CTF" or "Special slayer gametype". I'd like people to be able to play all the basic gametypes without any hassle on my maps. And as far as posting my maps go, I did link to both a map called Vanguard and my file share. But you're right. I should approach my self-promotion differently. Thanks Noxiw. And thanks for your thoughts so far, everyone. It might be a good idea to take the concept of floating discs arranged all over the map, and just mold it to the shape a halo game demands.
No its not. Its perfectly fine. I am excited to hear that a lot of people are planning SWBF maps. I plan to remake my Geonosis map and probably Kashyyk. Cant wait to see all of these maps
I'm expecting every level from every game to be made in Reach in some way. Only bad thing about that is there's probably gonna be 5 of each level made so try and make things not so obvious and common and more chance it will stand out.