hey this is my first thread so ignore anything noobish. so i heard a while back that reach is using a new game engine and im not that smart >.< so i was wondering if that means the trip wire system thingy(where you're able to have a movable object float) is still going to be there or not. edit: another question does anyone know if we can play fire fight with maps we created?
You can set ALL objects as "Normal":where the objects fell when placed in halo 3 or "Fixed":Where ever you place them the stay in that exact location. And this info is on a lot of threads and places I realize this is your first thread so in future just look around a bit before making a thread Edit: You can't forge or create any firefight maps that we know of at the moment. But you can change Firefight game settings and share them with anyone.
Some switches will probably still work, but there is no way of us knowing til we try it out. There will probably be new switches we can make with new things such as placeable trip mines. Firefight has editable game settings but you can not make maps for it or edit the maps.
ok yeah i know about the normal and fixed but im wondering if you can do that with moveable objects i.e. barrels. barricades. etc. etc. and if you can if you touch it will it fall, is what im wondering
They said the built the engine from scratch but tbh, I think they scraped code from halo 3. I'd say yes it is still possible. It's the same team of people that built halo 3 so why would they change the way they code things unless it had a problem with it? There were no problems so I guess they have coded it in pretty much the same way, so it should still work. If you actually know how "wire" systems work well then you wouldn't really have to ask this question. Wire works because the engine thinks an object is no longer moving, so it stops applying physics to it, until something hit detects it. It makes sense that they will keep this system (even more with reach) because it reduces lag. So I can say with confidence that wire will still work in Reach (unless there are MAJOR changes with the physics engine)
ok thanks i know how the wire system works(not even sure that what people actually called i just read that somewhere in a thread) i was just wondering if it was still implemented and what not btw if anything sound(or reads) stupidly its probally cause i am bad at wording things with out hand motions and because i in about 2 hours i will lack 36 hours of sleep