My First Forgehub map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Dark Swerk, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. Dark Swerk

    Dark Swerk Ancient
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    So please be gentle and you can see this is my first map post and its not even done. I just want to here what you guys think for a newcomer and let me know if you would like to see me finish this map. :)

    This map is based on a map I saw called Lab Escape and its infection so heres what I have started.

    So this would be the spawn the infected have another room which they spawn and it brings them through the teleporters. (Which later on will lead farther in the map so they don't have to walk the whole thing over and over) Also notice each room as a wait limit untill you can go into the next room but don't worry these man cannons wont shoot people up only objects.

    After the first 30 seconds or 45 the debris is cleared and you walk up this stairwell.

    From the stairwell you go up into this room and defend it untill the next cannon spawns and gets you moving onto the next area.

    After you make it out of the room above you end up jumping through tunnels which lead you into the next room.

    Well this is just a very small sample of my map I just want to hear your thought yes I know its not alot :)

    Thanks for your time
  2. IHeadrush

    IHeadrush Forerunner

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    Any Idea how you are going to set up the gametype?

    I've played a map with the similar playstyle to this but it was a fat kid type map.
  3. Dark Swerk

    Dark Swerk Ancient
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    Well I have the old gametype from the original map. I had so much fun with it which made me make this. Its pretty much humans use smg's and shotguns and zombies are lighting fast but die pretty easy. It's fare for both sides though its not a 1 shot kill. I learned that its easy as the first zombie to jump down grab a kill or 2 in the first room as you can see. Then with 2 or 3 zombies you can easily catch an unlucky human.
    Just about to finish this. I should have a post of full map late tonight or early tomorrow.

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