Run Away V3 Be warned!!! This map is very old I made this when sandbox first came out but I still thought I would share this with you. I find it fun to look at old maps that I made before ghost merging and surprisingly its quite fun to play! This map works out as a simple cat n mouse type game. The humans will spawn a few yards in front of the zombie and his big hammer. The objective is to well.. RUN. There will be traps and debris blocking your way and you must act quick because the infected will not wait for you. There is only 1 life per round so try not to die as the game starts! You can't hurt the zombie so don't be a hero and turn around and fire away... its only going Piss the zombie off MAP Game This is the Upper portion of the map Your first challenge! A bunch of annoying pallets to break down. Wouldn't be an old map without an old school trap? Oh boy! These things Is he walking straight up!? Yeah IDK? Maneuver through this stuff To reach this stuff which is the end So what you need to do is run around and fool the infected or hide in the not obvious at all spots. Like this one.. who would look up here? Haha yeah so this is my first map post besides a preview and as said before an old map. I just thought I would share this with you guys and see what you think. Also besides posting about the map leave me tips for the next map I post and how I should arrange and talk about the map. Gt - Sempr Fidelis
Looks good, if the zombies are insta-kill to the head I would get rid of 3 of those 4 BRs. Or do a custom powerup that only lasts for 10 or so seconds. That way people won't get mad and leave the game. Good map though, nice pics.
Well i'll edit it in right now but I forgot to mention you can't kill the zombie right away. Thats why were running cause a br is useless without a custom! --- Haha thanks didn't expect for it to be that high. If you like this ruff version of runaway let me know I will surely remake it with my somewhat better forging skills