Map Title: Factory 361 Basic Halo 3 Training. Download Map Download Gametype Description: This is a training course for Elites, and Spartans, I put Most of the Basics to know "How To Play" I'll explain how to do the map. First you spawn in a interlocked area noticing two crates in front of you, jump on them and over. Next you'll notice theres three barrels, Jump on them, then Crouch jump. (Warning: I put TELEPORTERS so people couldn't cheat.) Now from that you go into a area where you Crouch to get to the other side, Right after that your find some Equipment too try out, Like Regenerators, Power Drainer, Bubble Shield (Mostly Known in all matchmaking Games.) After that run forward and Find your weapon range, Theres 4 Different weapons to choose. These are them, and there on the pallet table. ~Weapons on Table~ -Battle Rifle. -Assault Rifle. -Magnum. -Sniper Rifle I also added a thing from CoD4 Weapon training. you know how you shoot the target through the wood, i did that but with a Pallet. Theres 5 Targets that aren't For the Mid - Longrange Weapons. Which are the Small Barrels, one shot and they should fall. After that keep going and you'll find the Grenade Tossing spot, Theres only two targets floating in the Air. Fusion Coils, would be them... There are 3 Different types of Grenades to choose from These are.. ~Grenades~ -2 Plasma Grenades. Hard -2 Spike Grenades. Medium -2 Flame Grenades. Easy After you've gotten both targets get on the barrel and jump over to the Driving Lessons, here you can choose from a Mongoose or Warthog, After that go on and continue the with the mongoose/warthog to the end...then your finished Here's some Pictures: Start point Equipment didn't save the crouch one idk why :/ Weapons on Table. Weapon Range. Hopefully this helps some people, lol ;p
nice idea but maybe some more fling like shooting fusion coils or streectones thta u have to snipe just be original and im sure this map would be good
this looks really good as you said in your post it reminds me of cod4. 1 question though wouldn't the fusion coils explode all at once even though you only threw 1 grenade because their so close to each other?
Yeah, maybe. But it's thats for weapons I'll remove x2 frag grenades off settings, thanks for reminding me. I'm Currently gonna start editting it for 1.1..
I have downloaded and tested this for myself so as to not make a misconception about it and to give a hands-on review ____ From what I could tell... This might not be a map of marvels (but you still did good with interlocking on the parts that you needed it for), but it is meant to teach the basics to a said n00b. For your goal that you tried to accomplish, it was pretty good, but I have a suggestion or 2. Maybe you should give the player some extra challenges. The challenge that I am thinking of is, once the player gets to know what each equipment does, then they should have to learn how to use it properly. For example, have some falling fusion coils that have an instant respawn. Make it so you can't get to the next course without passing thru these coils, but if you try without using any equipment you will die. Thus teaching the n00b that the bubble shield can protect you from damage that comes outside of the bubble, etc. etc. Also the part where you say to throw plasma nades at the fusion coils is probably near impossible, even with experienced players because it doesn't stick to it and doesn't stick to teleporters either. One more suggestion... Maybe make it so that you have to throw a power drain at just the right angle to blow up a fusion coil that you can't reach normally allowing you to access the next area.
Replaced old one with edited one, NEW things added are: Removed driving lessons with Advanced Shooting, and overall what you learned. (crouching, shooting, equipment using.) Added Fusion coil at equipment, fusion falls you use bubble and you don't get damage. I also Straightened the Window Panels look a lot more Nicer. I also moved the fusion coil at the weapon range, behind a barrel making it more Challenging to see . I fixed the Grenade throw to one, and you throw it at barrels, This one is more for moving and throwing. Mind
thanks for taking my suggestion and implementing it, I should test it again to see these new changes, sounds even better than the last version Edit : I tried going to the download link, but i get the screen that says "ACCESS DENIED" for some unknown reason, so sorry i can't try out the newer version. If at all possible, could you relink it like how you did last time?
Oh, yeah sorry. Knew that would happen >.< Fixed map DL link. p.s. i am currently working on a completly interlocked map too show my interlocking skills xD