---Retrieving Log--- ---Log Retrieved...Accessing now--- Ok, so I finally posted on this intro thread, after figuring out most stuff and what not ^-^. if you have a question about the odd...title and first line, please don't ask. It's just kinda my thing, normally there'd be more but I'm highly lacking motivation at the moment writing wise, so first off I'm Arctic (Scout07), though almost all of my friends call me shocky because of my old gamer-tag, which isn't really important here o.o I highly enjoy forging and screen-shotting so I figured I'd try out this community (FH)^-^ I'm hoping for things to work out with it and eagerly looking forward to some fun with it as well. I enjoy making puzzle, or obstacle course maps if you will, as well as the occasional random map (whether it be fighting, ctf, etc), though I'm not much of a race map maker . As for screenshots I love to take them, but it does take me a large amount of time to find just the right one to take... I like for them to be either perfect or of well leveled quality in my own eyes and standards ^-^, (Ven/Fist-fight for example) ((Reason for title,and RL: ok so I said I wouldn't explain this but then I got the urge to keep writing, mainly because I hate doing introductions >.< I'm very bad at introducing myself and whenever I do this happens.{giant wall of text} ok well, the reason being for my title and anything else non-normal I put into this and any future post is because being an avid story writer(writer in general >.>) I like to make things I reply or write to on anything more...related, or in this case fan-fictional to the topic which is halo ^-^) PS: this took me 15minutes to write-up T_T, I had to force myself to stop >.>)