Even though Reach's forge will be way easier to use I still think it would be fun to share ideas and work with a partner. If you want to forge on reach with a partner send me a friend request on XBL. GT: TheHatofWin As long as you're not annoying we should be fine.
It will be hell easier to forge but you may not find a partner straight away, maybe a few days after release but not on the first day. I would love to work with you but i am already working with someone else. Just send me a friend Request GT Combat P3nguin if you want help or need any ideas after reach forge is out.
I would help! maybe not the first day when it comes out bcuz i wanna beat campaign first but on the 15 i would definatly be willing to be your partner in crime!! ps i cant add u now bcuz i dont have my xbox until 1.5 weeks. what time zone r u btw? skittles
I'd love to help! I'll probably be going solo on the first day, but go ahead and send me a friend request anyway, if you feel like it. frog on stilts