On bungie.net a post made by JonnyOThan in a thread regarding despawning and invasion it has been confirmed. Yep, you can forge invasion. The shield doors disappearing is done through a complicated object property configuration that you'll be able to do too, but it's specific to invasion. We'll be detailing how exactly to set up maps...eventually... http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=46841246&viewreplies=true&postRepeater1-p=1 Discuss
WWWWIIIIIIIINNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is great, cus originally they had said that you couldnt do it and stuff. But if we can the posibilities for gametypes just like quadrupled. Epic gametype ideas may begin..... now! Gogogo!
Sexy, but late. I already knew that. Anyway, it opens a lot of opportunities for the community. I'm interested in seeing the maps people make in Invasion.
wait...does that mean we can forge on invasion maps? Or that we can create invasion maps on forge world?
Yay now I can make awesome gametypes... Wait didn't we already now that every gametype we could custimize/forge
We can basically make Campaign missions now. We can get AI enemies and make them fight us on a map of our choosing/ creation. We also have the options of choosing what types/ how strong/ how many fight us and how they get to us (dropship/ map spawn.) Epic news.
Do you have proof of AIs? I havent heard of them in multiplayer, and I'm pretty sure in the Q&A thread, they've been called out. Plus, when were there AIs in Invasion?
there is no AI we can toy around with, outside of firefight gametype customization. Invasion has nothing to do with AI.
We already known invasion is in some way modifiable for awhile now Q.I'm really curious Ferrex, please: Are we given enough freedom in Forge with dynamic objectives as to assimilate an Invasion map with proper settings? Furthermore, can we force people to be Spartans/Elites for certain teams/roles? A(by Ferrex).You should be able to completely set up (or re-arrange) an Invasion map. And Invasion itself has a bunch of sweet options to change things up too. Can't force teams, though. That's handled by the game type, not Forge. Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : The "what will you do in forgeworld thread" I don't expect a full forge mode just a custom game settings and basic territory/shield door/Core settings. Main reason is its not just a game-type like Infection its a different game like Firefight. (I still want a full forge for invasion though )
Bungie!! Stop it!! I creamed my pants AGAIN! Seriously, as if Forge World wasn't enough, now we can create our own Invasion maps. That. Is. Awesome.
This is just epic Invasion forgeable, just legendary. You know what we haven't herd of, Switches like turning a sheild door on or off that would be pretty awesome.
Here's your answer to that: Posted by: DannySpud Hi ferrex =) What's the biggest thing that got cut from forge, and why? Ferrex: Probably support for devices (doors, lifts, switches, et cetera.) The feature came in very late, wasn't tested to our satisfaction, and when we looked at all the maps that had already been built without requiring lots of doors, switches, and stuff, it became very hard to justify creating and testing a lot of device objects to our level of satisfaction. So, that feature got pruned so that we could concentrate on more important stuff (like camera controls.) (Ferrex is sorry)
Custom Invasion will be great, it'll be the like Infection with lots of people making crazy maps with crazy gametypes. Objects can now be set as objective items, so instead of capturing one of the computer terminals you can set it that the attackers need to capture some warthogs! Or several different levels where the defenders get stronger vehicles which the attackers need to capture, which can then be used to aid them in capturing the vehicles in the next level. Now that would be a vehicular gametype.
Oh crap. My bad. When I read this I was thinking Firefight.lol. It was late. Yeah, there's definitely no AI in Invasion.