well i'm (insert name here) and i enjoy playing Halo. Mostly because of forge and my most favorite map is (insert map name here) and i am happy to meet new people and here everyone's ideas and play on everyone's maps but most importantly I am here to give new ideas because i am extremely (insert reason why here) and don't want to make the maps myself. My age is (insert fake age here) and my real name is (name here) and i enjoy blowing things up and sleeping. If you want to contact me don't email me because i am too (insert reason here) and i have no time to do things such as forge or custom games i am simply here to hand out my ideas and give them to the creative forgers on forge hub so i can download from them and play with my friends and i am indeed lazy............................... and i suck at making maps... but i know how i'm just lazzzyyyyyyyy