DOWNLOAD Stop the opposing team from activating the Halo Ring. I have not made a gametype for this mp yet but it plays well with any type of slayer,or infection. Hope you enjoy HALO Ring Top View Bottom View Rocket Spawn Inner Ring Ring Support I have no gameplay of this,but check this out about half way it has a bit of gameplay YouTube - Halo 3 Forges (Ep. 73) "Halo Ring" Thanks for Viewing Halo Ring. DOWNLOAD AGAIN! This was made a while back but many people have had a interest in it now so im posting it here (i have updated the map slightly,thats why it has low downloads )
Oh...My...God.... This has to be the best "Halo" Ring I have ever seen! I thought this was going to be another Halo on Halo map but I was waaay wrong. Then when I saw the ring I thought it was an aesthetic map but, again, I was wrong. I didnt think you could make this into a playable map, well done.
its actually quite beautiful aesthetics when i see this map it reminds me of the campaign that's how good it is!! I might be wrong and I haven't played it but it looks like it could use a little more cover.
maybe your right i did have shield doors scattered around but then just caused a lot of suicicides XD
This is a grat map. At the top you said you dont have a gametype but I have an idea for you. Put a bomb plant point in the cube in the center and then do all the traits you want for the one bomb gametype. Just an idea. Great map you have here.
How about teritories as a gametype, with one team starting on the bottom of the map and working upwards to control the map with the other team defending from above. You could use either one territory as the activation "switch" or a bunch so it's more about control. Awesome looking map!
This is defintily a very unqiue map. From what I can tell, the map has some very nice looknig aesthetics and have alot of really interesating features to the map. The only thing I am concerned abotu is the lack of cover on the map. But I will not know till I get a playtest on the map.
Wow this is great. When I saw this on Halo 3 Forges the other day I was like "Wow this is awsome! I wish he had posted this on Forge Hub because thi is awsome!!!", and then right after I thought that, boom!!! This appeared on FH!! My dreams have come true!!! Lol, but now seriously, this map is truly eye candy. The way that you made the ring at a slight angle while using the inconsistancy of the halo ring in design to your advantage to make some column smalls stone and other column smalls red and blue, as well as how you left certain parts missing, really adds to the aesthetics of the map. Great Job anemone!!!
GASP! This map has the most incredible aesthetics I have seen in a very long map. I think my jaw dropped when I first saw the first pic. I know Aesthetics map don't usually get featured but someone please make an exception! Incredible truly marvelous! I would never expect such a great feat of aesthetics just before Reach came out. Way to go to leave the Halo saga with a bang!
Really nice looking map dude lol i thought it was gonna be halo on halo too. I don't know if im more shocked by how good it looks or by the fact that you spent all that time on a map without even having a gametype in mind. I have ALWAYS made the Gametype layout first then adjusted it and the map as neccessary as i built it.
Map mix up Hey!!!! i made this map!!! you took my credit for the whole thing, this took me forever!!!! --- hey!!!!! this is my map!!! i first named it Ring button!!!! WHat the heck!!! --- if you guys even look in my past posts you guys will see that i have "ring button" as a thing to choose from... i am just very new!!!! come on, i need some help here! --- if you guys even look in my past posts you guys will see that i have "ring button" as a thing to choose from... i am just very new!!!! come on, i need some help here!
Explain this now. This is an exact copy of the map anemone, except posted months ago. Map stealing is NOT tolerated at forgehub. You have 20 minutes to give me a reason not to take action. EDIT: Times up, locked.