Sandbox Mech Hunter

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by xDarklingx, Jul 27, 2010.

  1. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    Mech Hunter is a fun remake of the classic "Duck Hunt" maps. It takes a new, more aesthetically inclined take on the original, with new, fun things like crouching tunnels, a maze of metal poles and most importantly, the giant mech. The gametype has also been tweaked so that instead of intant-kill, it takes over 3 body shots to kill a duck. If you have a large party and want to play it old school, simply change the zombie traits to insta-kill. This is, like most maps coming out lately, my last map before Reach, so enjoy!

    I would tell you to try not to jizz your pants, but i'm sure you're all out after watching the new Reach Vidoc, so without further delay, here are the pictures.

    This mech is designed after the Star Adder from the game "Mech-Assault"
    You walk from the spawn, fall down to the next level, fall down again and teleport to the top.
    This is where the 'Mech Commander' spawns.
    This is the spawn area. Bubble shields are on respawn rate 10.
    An overview of all the cover available for the ducks to make use of.
    Note that on the left of the wall half if a tunnel you can climb in that has a flare.[​IMG]
    That tube ramp you see coming down is for hiding behind like a ninja![​IMG]
    This is where you go after you beat the course. You see there is a custom powerup and shotgun[​IMG]

    I did, in fact, adopt this map from Plasma Rifle Elite (HLG Amber Clad), who built over half of the mech. Major credit goes to him.

    Thanks to my testers:
    . A hairy felcrum
    . Lucid Gunners
    . Slimey Sucubus
    . HLG Amber Clad
    . Muff1n W0rld
    And others I do not remember....

    Download Mech Hunter

    Download Robo Ducks
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Ahh The old Mech Assault games ahh I loved those games.

    But anyway your mech is incredibly forged half done by Plasma Elite Rifle you say, both of you have done an excellent job forging this map. Even though i don't like duck hunter or whatever it's called i would enjoy playing on this map.

    Duck Hunt or whatever it's called has been around since really the start of halo 3 and it have always reinvented itself, Your map with the mech Warrior design has done just that.
    #2 Combat P3nguin, Jul 27, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2010
  3. TheHurtSquirrel

    TheHurtSquirrel Forerunner

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    To be honest, I love the game play of these maps. I've just downloaded Mech Hunter and to be honest is fun with various amounts of people. The zombies are not overpowered and the humans have advantages to kill them only if they complete the course. Great job.

    Excellent job on the forging, interlocking and merging used many times and it properly took some time but it was worth it.


    The amount of creativity used is very high. Infection games need alot of creativity and if the right amount is used right then the cosermers are very happy. You've thought this though.
  4. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    YES! It's finally released! I remember playing this with you.... very well thought out.... VERY well made. Best duck hunt ever! Did you make a killball spawn at the beginning? Also, what happens if a duck (human) falls off of the structure? Anyways, great job. BTW you could have made the course thingy a huge ship. Just an idea :p
  5. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    Well, killballs were pretty much out of the question due to their size so I added fusion coils which the sniper can shoot. If someone's camping/being a **** just boot them. If someone falls of their ****ed (in the ass). A ship would be cool but just doing this I managed to hit the object limit AND budget. Thanks for the feedback everyone!
  6. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    : ) I can has credit!

    Anyway, while testing, I couldn't believe how you turned it into a duck hunt map. Honestly, I never thought of that myself. If I had finished it, it would have just been the mech, so kudos for making it playable! Also, I couldn't believe how the left arm of the mech looked identical to the right arm I made. It felt more fun to play than a normal duck hunt map, because of the superb aesthetics, so awesome work!
  7. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Ancient

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    I played it and it lived up to my expectations, except for a few things.

    For one, the zombie's sniper hits do not do enough damage. I'd prefer a gametype that has 1-shot for the head, 2-shot for the body. Also, even though the mech was awesome, it definitely lacked any personality. Adding lights or red/blue columns is a great way to spice up your map.

    One last thing, the map is escapable. That also takes some points off, the Skybubble would have been a better place to make it (Maybe you could've made a flying mech attacking a ship?).

  8. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    In which way did you find this escapable? And does escaping make it easier to win?

    I do agree with you that it lacks personality but I felt it would look dodgy if I had added lights or blue or red columns

    Also, the skybubble was not really an option, as I adopted this map.
  9. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    This is by far the most unqiue and interesting Duck Hunt Maps I have every seen. the idea of adding Mech Hunter in just mades it so much more of a better map by adding in some great details.
  10. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Ancient

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    You're kidding, right?


    Escaping is always bad (unless it is intentional). Someone could easily go to the back of the sniping spot and postpone the entire game (For 10 minutes, seeing as how that is your time limit). Building this in the skybubble would have solved this problem.

    You need to work on gameplay and then looks, not the other way around.
  11. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
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    Keep in mind this is not matchmaking, people play this for fun and most will not choose to be assholes and simply jump off. Even players without a mic will get the idea that they are meant to follow the path in front of them. One bonus that custom games offers is the option to boot players who are not playing properly. I think honor rules are fine as long as they are not included in matchmaking.

    I feel as if you haven't read the entire post. I have adopted this map, it started in the mid-section and was not intended to be a playable map. I am surprised that I managed to make this playable to extent that it is. Rebuilding it in the skybubble was not really an option for me as I felt it would defeat the purpose of adopting it.

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