Very opinionated comment you have there. Foundry has grown on me as an avid Social Slayer/Doubles player, and I've come to appreciate the default layout, minus the camping in respective team spawns however I rarely see that anymore. I'm intrigued to see a Foundry remake in Reach. As far as I'm concerned Reach (as of now) doesn't have enough smaller scale maps, glad we're getting a Forgeworld.
District is Doable Xavier, have you played District? I think it's possible. Really any map except Infinity is possible, as long as somewhat analogous found geometry is available on Forge World.
I watched two youtube videos before writing the map off. As large as the $10,000 budget is, it's still not enough. The map is just way too big, way too detailed, and has too many levels. It would take *way* more than 3-4 times as many objects in Lockout to make District. Maybe ForgeWorld 2, eh?
nah ur rong. it would be impossible to make a completely accurate remake of maps like sandtrap and district. However, a looser remake, with ground which was not completely the same (ie a bit more straight and angular to prevent unnecesary forging) and a SMALL downsize would make the maps completely possible. Also, the removal of the sandtrap area would be crucial EDIT: guys read my new list. what do you think of avalanche and sandtrap edits AND: Valhalla, can be done. I know, because it is not extensively large and is very linear. Also, parts of the gulch geometry probably are similar to valhallas. Roocks could be used to mirror the caves and the bases would be easy. the only difficult part would be either the manufacture or discovery of a valhalla like piece of land. Also, avalance is definitely possible. The island on forgewworld says so. PS: Im not looking for perfect remakes. Think for example Midship-Heretic changes. Aesthetic differences and a slightly different size and shape, but we were all perfectly happy to play our new Midship because it was essentially the same thing. Things like The Narrows remake does not have to be some kind of masterpiece. We just want the same felling of enjoyement we get with these maps.
We could call the Hang 'Em High remake: Exhumation. It means to revive or dig up something, typically a human body. It fits in with the graveyard motif and "exhumation" itself can also mean to bring something back, like from your memory (a la, remake). See, I'm clever. I'd also love to see a Death Island, Danger Canyon, Infinity, and Boarding Action remake.
Ooh, how about a Timberland remake? That'd be pretty cool. I just wonder if we'll be able to recreate the layout...
why would you wanna re-make Foundry when theres a map in Forge World that looks just like it. Watch this video, its bungie at comic con showing off Reach. That part they go to it looks just like Foundry. YouTube - SDCC: Halo Reach Panel Part 3
007 Golden Eye all map remakes, all maps that were in golden eye were incredible everyone should remake all of them
First of all this needs to be reiterated greatly. For the sake of the quality of this website and the forging/customs community in general, listen to LD's post dammit. Speaking of dammit... Those waterfalls spoke to me: "Damnation." I shall return it's glory to Reach, and you will bask in its perfection. So it is written, and so it shall be done.
im removing sandtrap from the list. it would be impossible to make, its just too big. Valhalla however is gonna get some love. by doing it against the rock face and near the water, we can make a river by submerging that part of the ground and make one of the walls have a much smaller budget as we will only really need to sculpt the prominent part and cave. I would reccomend doing the side without the shotguns against the wall --- Hi, Random here. I was wondering what you want to rename each map, IE rename Narrow "Catwalk" and Hang 'em High "Execution"
That looks sick and they said they made that just like the players would.. I can't imagine what you guys are going to come up with XD
I would like to see burial grounds i loved that map from Halo 2 also Headlong hang em high and danger canyon
I meant the default layout with the hallway in the back and such, but that video was actually pretty great.
Well I never really like Chiron, all the teleportation was just annoying. But is actually possible to remake Chiron without any teleporter at all. Btw, that "Lockout/Blackout" remake is soooo bad.... anyone from forgehub can probably make a better remake.