Check out this video posted @ IGN featuring race. That mongoose looks really hard to control and not as responsive at the H3 one. What are your thoughts? IGN Video: Halo: Reach Xbox 360 Gameplay - Gate Race
Have either of us ever driven it? I say no. It could be that the driver just totally failed lol, so we really cant know until reach comes out. /crushing speculation
I think it was just the driver. Perhaps he had his sensitivity really high and was being very touchy with the turning? It looks the same to me. I wish they would have changed it a bit more.
I love how it says the speed at the bottom left corner. That's a great touch. And yeah, I think its just a crappy driver.
Well the halo 3 version had a similar style where even when you were in full control and took a hard turn it would slide to the right and left, but this didn't affect your overall speed or control.
It was probably the driver causing the swaying, but that would be annoying if it were to be in the game. Though it looks like the mongoose reacts better with the environment now, it's more smooth. I like that.
After watching it a few more times I'm gonna settle on the idea that its a bit more loose. I didn't really see the guy move the reticule too much and it still swayed a lot and bounced around quite a bit. I'm sure once we get some time on it and find out for ourselves we'll figure out how to drive it perfectly "Tokyo Drift" style! lol
Looks like a classic case of excessively-high-analog-stick-sensitivity-syndrome... and a mediocre driver. We'll find out for sure on Sept. 14.
Yeah the Driver was probably buzzed. I do hope they make it a little harder to drive so it feels more realistic. But not that hard though, just enough no make it a challenge.
Well, I'm not sure they should make it more challenging to drive since you have to consider new players as well as the mongoose's use in multiplayer maps and in the campaign that doesn't pertain to racing. So, I guess the focus should remain on making the tracks challenging.
I actually think in race types there more advanced controls (like i was hoping for) Normal game types: Right Analog point direction to go , Left analog to accelerate, L break Race game types: R Accelerate, Right Analog to turn left and right, Left analog to lean left and right, L break Something like that.
The warthog is faster, bounces more, accelerates faster, skids more, and is more affected by powerskid. I determined all this from the beta and see no reason it would be different for a mongoose especially considering the videos of mongoose driving. This makes both vehicles more difficult for someone new but allows new tricks with a good driver at the wheel.
That, sir, would be pretty friggin sweet. Although, why keep it to race? An "advanced driving" custom option would be cool
Yes that would be an awesome! option would add some real skill to driving vehicles in the pressure of war. Just if your curious this is where I got my theory from, at the very start you see the "^" staying directly forwards but the driver steers off to the side. (and generally bad driving) YouTube - Halo Reach beta gameplay (Race)
Your controller idea would work for racing; however, it would be terrible for wardriving because pressing [RT] to accelerate is like an on-off switch. When driving in a game there are times when you need to gun it to get away sometimes but drive slowly other times while the gunner pins down the enemies. The lean idea would be nice for some experienced drivers like myself. What's he point of four separate axils otherwise
I think thats actually because it in theatre and the camera is staying still, but i still hope youre right Why cant RT be like a pedal? Push a little for a little speed, or floor it for full acceleration?