INCANITO Download Link : Halo 3 File Details Well I have been working on this map for quite a while now and it is my last Halo 3 Map. Throught the prosses of making this map I came across a few problems which are resolved now. Unfortunately if there is any problems it is because there was a budget cut as I reached the end of the object limit. This Map works with Team Slayer, CTF (Capture the Flag), and Assault. Weapon list Assault Rifle x4 Battle Rifle x6 Sniper Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Plasma Rifle x4 Convenant Carbine x4 Spartan Laser x1 Over Sheild x1 Frag Grenades x 4 Plasma Grenades x4 Power Drain x2 Regenerator x2 Warthog x2 Mongoose x4 Time for some pics Overview Blue Side Red Side Middle Download Link : Halo 3 File Details Well as I said this is my last map on Halo 3 So see you Forge Hub on Halo Reach!
Well first off I would like to say that I love the style of this map. All the structures are very curvy and look almost like they are natural to the sandbox main-floor terrain. I absolutely love your structures. My only problem with this is that it seems you concentrated only on creating sweet random structures in stead of creating a good-flowing map. Also I feel like the lines of sight are lacking a little in that there aren't many high structures to control long distance lines of sight. Overall I really like this map and love the style you created. Although I haven't tested I feel like the gameplay would be solid, possibly lacking a little in flow. Good job psychopirahna!
like the guy above said the lines of sight are a little short. but i think this gives the map a unique feel because long range BR battles are gone down low (except for the awesome diagonal between the bases.) but up top the br is insane. this makes it apeal to both me the awesome br wizard and my friend the ar noob. i will say though i think this map needs one tall structure to realy draw appeal twords your map. posibly put a snipe tower where i have crudly drawn one if you do this i would sugest making it a little lower than what i drew i would also then move the OS under the bridge other than that great map i especialy like red base. it looks awesome
Hey its posted nao! It looks really sweet and smooth. However, IMO its seems disconnected, but that's not always a bad thing. I had the same dilemma in this map. I think centralized middle structure combining the middle wall, the sideways donut on blue side, and the camel hump structure on red side. Oh plus I helped with the name! Gonna get a DL from me
Well cheers for the name ATF David. Well since this is my last map on Halo 3 I think I should make it worth wile Well if I am going to edit somestuff on this map. But to do so I will also need to delete some stuff as I reached the object limit I would need to know what I should delete. So cheers for the feedback Keep em' coming