After seeing Forge World, I've been tossing around the idea of a map with a "Titan mode" type gameplay, and I'm looking for a bit of feedback. For those unaware, Titan mode was a gameplay mode of the PC game Battlefield 2142, and here's a brief overview of the mode via Wikipedia. So, I've been thinking of a way to create a version of Battlefield 2142's Titan mode on Forge World. Basically it will be an attack and defend game of Generator Defense, with one team attacking and one team defending. (If Generator Defense is not available in normal multiplayer and instead only in Firefight, then it could be a game of 1 bomb with the bomb and detonation location right next to eachother on the ship, with the countdown timer simulating the attack on the "generators") Instead of two Titans, there would only be one, with the Titan belonging to the defenders. The three(?) generators will be onboard this Titan, an artificial ship floating high above the ocean made out of the objects and scenery available in forge. It will be quite large and on the outside resemble a UNSC warship, and on the inside it will contain a number of halls and walkways and rooms and all that. The defending team will spawn on the ship. At the rear of the ship will be a large "cargo bay", and this will be the main entry point into the ship. Inside this large bay will be a few air vehicles like the Falcon, as well as some cover for fighting on the ground, and maybe a turret or two to help defend this cargo bay from the attackers. The attackers will spawn a fair distance away, possibly on either the small cliff area or the enclosed area inside the mountain. (Both of them were one of the 5 big areas of Forge World) The attackers' area will contain a number of air vehicles, like Falcons and Banshees. Not sure what the ratio of vehicles will be. Maybe the defenders will have 2 falcons in their cargo bay and the attackers will have 1 falcon and 3 banshees in their spawn area? (The attackers are meant to have an advantage over the defenders in terms of air combat) So most of the attackers are going to get into their air vehicles and fly over towards the large ship. There will be a fair amount of mid-air combat between the two teams, with the attackers trying to shoot down the enemy air and then dismount on foot in the enemy cargo bay and then fight their way through the various hallways and rooms of the ship's interior to the three(?) generators and destroy them. I'm thinking most of the fighting and boarding will take place in the cargo bay, but I'm also thinking there could be a second entry way onto the ship. Perhaps a small area jutting out from the ship, large enough to land a vehicle or two on, with a small, somewhat easily defendable hallway connected to it leading into the ship's interior? Of course, this wouldn't be a true Titan mode with all the fighting taking place just in the air, and having the air be the only way to get to the Titan ship could be problematic if the enemy managed to do something like steal a few of the attacker's vehicles, leaving them with no way to reach their Titan. A portion of the combat would also take place on the ground. There would teleports in both the enemy Titan and on the attackers' spawn that would teleport them to an area on the ground. This ground area would be symmetrical and rectangular shaped, sort of like Halo 3's narrows. This ground area would also be disconnected from the combat going on above in the air with a kill area, so people in banshees or falcons couldn't really fire at or engage with the people on the ground. What would be the purpose of the ground area? 1. An alternative route to reach the enemy titan. Instead of flying to their Titan, you could take a teleporter to this ground section, fight through this area, and then use one of the enemy's teleporters on the other side. After going through the enemy teleporter, you would end up on their Titan. I'm thinking having these teleporters in the large cargo bay, with there being several teleporters you could randomly teleport to, so the enemy can't just camp the teleports. 2. There would be a power weapon(s) in the center that each team would want to control. Now, I'm still not sure how this ground space would work. Depending on how high you can build in Forge World, the ground space might be right above the water, inbetween the attackers' spawn and the Titan. If that's the case, the power weapon would be a spartan laser or missile pod, so this ground area would be important in capturing so you could use this power weapon to help defeat the enemy Falcons and Banshees. Or, the ground space could also be held far away from the air battle in an enclosed space of the Blood Gulch Canyon. If that's the case, the power weapon would be a rocket launcher most likely, a powerful weapon in clearing out the enemy and attacking the generators on the Titans, or for the defenders the rocket launcher would be a welcome weapon in defending the cargo bay. So that's basically it so far, and I'm looking for feedback in what people think of the idea so far.
Please don't post an individual thread focused entirely on one map idea for Halo: Reach. However much I'm sure you like your idea, you can build almost anything on Forge World, so your idea isn't more important than the next guy's. Here is a thread to post any map ideas for Forge World you may have now or sometime in the future. All these individual map threads do is flood the discussion section for Reach's Forge, when really this section should be full of discussion. I hope you realize the difference between ideas and discussion, and also, INB4LOCK. Thank you for letting me post in your thread. Once again, your map idea is great and all, but it's nothing special that deserves its own thread.
Wow. thats a great idea. Having never played that game I don't have anything to add gameplay wise, but, concerning your ground path vs the air path, you could build the ground battle in a seperate section of the map, which would completely remove the need for protecting them from air attack and allow for better flow on both fronts.
no generator defense in multiplayer. I think its firefight only, I have had an idea like this but in my case 4v4 with one team defending pallets and a fusion coil which block a tele to the explosion room, it was a war ship and the area was accessible from 3 parts, I never finished it but you can steal the idea