I talk quite a bit on the shout box, I don't post too often though. I still look at maps, rate and download though and If I feel I have something to say that noone else has mentioned I will say it.
And there are quite a few people who have many posts who I wish were part of that 72% that has never posted.
furious am i one of them? I dont spam, I just have a lot to say. Close to all my posts are useful and helpful. Though any from my first week are probably not so great, but otherwise... lol just wondering cause I have a high post count and people have asked if i spam cause Ive only been here since March 13th. Actually, I found the site February 20 something but then waited a few weeks to join... ok now im just rambling... anyway, yea... just wondering. lol id say the worst thing I do is type completely illiterately and without any grammar. Lone Soldier even made a blog about it lol.
What? Over Ten THOUSAND? lol, ^_^ I'm new to forgehub but not new to forums. Having been a mod and admin in many, this is a common sight in every forum you come to. The fact that the number is so great for this group is that this group has the rep for great maps. People join just to get the maps, not submit their own. I, myself only have 1 submission to this site but plan on making more. I belive people should be active in groups they join and not just freeload, but that only takes place in a Walgreens world =P
Well that 72% is a good thing. If they all posted I would not be here. Every map would have 2109387 awesomes and 21983 goods and 37 ;adskgjhf (random letters)
Like the person who goes around the forums and all he says is "I'm hot." Anyways, while it may seem bad that most people don't post at all, the maps are getting around and people who actually read forging 101 like they should learn new things. Isn't that what this site's about? While it would be better for them to contribute to the site, it's still good that better forgers will come out and people will have fun playing FH's maps.
I've been a member for a few weeks maybe two, and I hardly visit Bungie anymore except to hear their updates. I strongly dislike Bungie due to the about of worthless topic I see there and the fact that I've seen 5 topics with close to the same name all dealing with the same thing at one time. I believe it was about the original Lockout lovers talking about how Blackout is horrible (I didn't even bother posting). Also, I don't post stupid topics, unless it's help with some stuff I would like help on. I've only submitted one map and thats only to testing in which I couldn't of done if without FH (thanks). I like this forum much better than any other forum so I agree with many people. Sure we don't have all the members post, but it's better quality that we don't get spam, or we'll just end up like Bungie's Halo forum and get 4 people asking the same question all at the exact same time.
i will agree there are a lot of people who do not post a lot but i know of a few people that only have about 40-80 post but all of them are really good thought out posts so this graph is basically showing who posts more nothing to do with who is a good active member of the community (in some way it does) but i do also have to agree there are a whole lot of people who don't post at all i mean 0-10 posts because a lot of people join post there 1337 map and then leave but on the brighter side 212 people have over 100 posts thats something right?
Going back to what MLG has stated, I long for that premium members board where many of the n00bs were filtered out.... perhaps another one should be instated but with a higher post requirement.... Other than that I just become more and more fond of forgehub, not and less. As long as there is the few dozen or so of us that know each other and have been here a while, I'm happy.
Hopefully you guys can find something new from the screenshots forum soon to be coming out of beta. Plus we have 3.7 coming up with all sorts of interesting features.
Yeah, I actually made the calculations for this before. I went through and counted exactly how members (by members per page, but still manually) had less than 2 posts. And I guess if you have about 20 posts, you probably frequently post... crazy stats. Good work.
Ye fbu is right most people join to get the map and be in the shout box.Or participate in TGIF.And we only 8 TGIFs so far so that gives about 8 posts
This is funny, I don't know most of the new people here. Yet they have around 300-500 posts. Anyways I like forums kind of small, not saying this is small by any means. But compared to other forums which are giants, such as H3F, this is on the small side.
Welcome to the internet. Of course people are going to freeload, but the point of this site is to be a map database. Being an active member is optional.
I'm in the same group as Penguin. I only really post when I have something to say on a subject. I've been a member for about 5 months and only have 182 posts. That should tell ya something about that.
you gotta ask though, is that really a true reflection of the total post, if we have the same amount of posts and more members then it will show a decrease when it simply stayed the same. Which, while not being a gain, also is not a loss.