Sandbox Modern Warfare 2's Rust

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Oakdude9, Jun 7, 2010.

  1. Oakdude9

    Oakdude9 Forerunner

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    Download Link Here
    Gametype Here

    The screen fades to gray as the slow countdown starts. The suspence is building as the words "Team Deathmatch" are said. The timer reaches 3 and color starts to fade in. The timer reaches 1 as "Lets do this!" is stated. The color is fully filled, and your fingers get to work on the Modern Warfare 2 match. A regular experiance for Call of Duty, a day of work for us to put it in Halo 3


    Sevmarick and I decided that Rust would be very fun to forge on Sandbox...and we were right. Our entry for the Foreign Tresures Contest, and we decided to let Casual Forms know first. As usual, we focused on gameplay first, map similarity second, and astetics third. Here's our montage tribute video thing for our map:

    YouTube - Halo 3 Forged Map: Modern Warfare 2's Rush

    Here are some more screenshots:

    The drill tower


    Knife this


    Rust play's with Team Swat, Swat CTF, Swat Assult, and Swat FFA (but this is not recomended). The gameplay is highly enjoyable and very fast pased. Red Team starts here:

    Blue Spawn:

    Overall, a very fun map, and is a blast to play on. Again, here are the download links:

  2. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    ... I don't know what Rust you play in ModernWarefare 2.. What are those raido
    towers ? Also, its fairly easy to escape the map.. I hope you set the gravity to an appropriate setting for this map. Don't rush with your maps.. take your time. No one is going to try to steal this idea.. Actually it's not even that hard to make. Check out the Halo Forge Discussion.. theres plenty of tips to give this map good ideas.
  3. Oakdude9

    Oakdude9 Forerunner

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    Thank you for your feedback. As mentioned, I had to work with one of my friends. Despite my complaints about the radio towers, he insisted on putting them there. Anyway thank you for your feedback...I'll try to fix it.
  4. a0puncfan

    a0puncfan Ancient

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    i agree with turtle. dont rush dude. i see alot missing :p
  5. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks like you put more time into the post than you did the map itself. If you're going to make a remake, make it accurate, and in some sort of scale. You failed to do both. I know this is harsh, but it's also true. SPEND TIME ON YOUR MAPS.
  6. Oakdude9

    Oakdude9 Forerunner

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    It doesn't matter, and thank you for your response. I will try harder next time.
  7. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    sorry, but i have to agree with everyone else. if you want to win the competition you are up against some expert forgers, you really need to take your time and will probibly have to ghost merge every object. I can see the similarities between this and rust but the differences are also very numerous. you still have like 2 and a half weeks before the deadline, and you could possibly make a V2 that you spend a bit of time on, and who knows maybe that beanbag chair could be yours
  8. heavenseven77

    heavenseven77 Forerunner
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    I am sorry though. Map sucks, I see no merging, no effort, walls are crooked, and what the hell, have you even played MW2????? The only way this map has any similarities to Rust on MW2 is the title. Go back to making your fail Jenga maps, n00bs...
  9. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
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    What in the Hell is your problem? Not everyone is a forging genius here, and I think you should take some time to appreciate how much effort this took him to make. If you're not going to play on the map, than just say so, and give him advice for future maps. I don't care how you meant it, but "Go back to making your fail Jenga maps, n00bs..." is not the kind of comment anyone wants on this forum.

    Oakdude, here is some advice:

    1) Interlock, it makes your map look a lot nicer.

    2) Test your maps first. It lets you notice small mistakes in your map.

    3) Try your best. Don't rush. Focus as much on quality as possible.

    Also, Gameplay > Aesthetics, but it doesn't hurt to have both
  10. Oakdude9

    Oakdude9 Forerunner

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    Thank You alot. I Have been working on things like ghost merging for the pipeline, removing the radio antenas, and using a schafolding, radio antena combination for the drill. Thanks for the advice. :)
  11. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Although the map isn't the best in the world. I love the effort you put into it. I'm sure with all the tips people have given you, you will be making much better maps in the future. Until then, you go dude!
  12. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    Wow your an asshole. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOUR MAPS.
    Anyways on to my advice
    take time on forging it pays off.
    the scale is a little off.
    interlocking, ghost merging etc make the map a lot more beautiful
    also this is the wrong category for the map, it should go under aesthetic maps

    keep up the good work though, you have potential
  13. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yeagh nice attempt but you obviously either rushed this or don't know much about forging.
    This has however done some good. it has inspired me to do my own remake. look forward to it in a couple day's. I urge you to take a look at it when im done. u will see what im talking about.
    #13 Vantier Raleigh, Jul 26, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2010
  14. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    you guys are too hard on everyone. stop bleeding then write your reviews. the map is pretty solid and even though there are some things that stray from the actual Rust, it still would be a lot of fun to play on with the right gametype.
  15. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
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