Higher Ground a map by OnlyMaximumv What the ancient ones have left behind we now fight over to the death. Quick get to higher ground to survive! And no its not on High Ground And no its not remake of High Ground Map is a smallish competitive map best for 2-6 players and is set up for any form of slayer or team slayer and assault (note that only multibomb setups work and they are very intense games as they are a race to the top) NOTE: always turn the custom powerup time to 0 in the menu to avoid turbo spartan/ elite This map centers around the main structure and its two elevators (activated by steping on the custom powerups). The main stratagie for this map is to stay on the high ground (hence the name) Weapons and equipment by floor top: 1 sniper rifle (8 rounds) 1 needler 2 battle rifles middle: 1 shotgun (6 shells) 2 SMGs 2 plasma rifles 2 plasma grenades 1 portable cover bottom: 2 spikers 6 spike grenades 2 plasma grenades 3 magnums 1 portable cover 1 bubble shield 1 trip mine 4 battle rifles 1 rocket launcher (2 rockets 120 sec respawn)1 grav hammer (120 sec respawn)^^ those are hidden and are very hard to get to and even harder to get out of Now for the pictures view from the left view of the right view of the center base room (leads to the big power weapons) view from the top floor HOW TO USE THE ELEVATOR step one pick up custom power up step 2 hold on! Hiding spots behind the pillar= good behind the forklift... not so good stratagies! the portable covers can save your life just dont jump over them (he got stuck) the high ground always has the advantage so it is always fought over BUT... if someone is really good at holding the hill you might need to get out the heavy artilery IF you can get to it. Maps Download Higher Ground View the best Kill from the Grave I EVER got (its on this map) I missed him at first but it bounced off the wall and fell onto him and stuck him i have play tested this map thougoughly and it plays great for 1v1 and 2v2 and can work with 3v3 but is is very crouded It should also be noted that everything you do from geting a weapon to geting up top can effect the oponents spawn for example if you kill a dude and jump down to get a new gun or grenades your oponent will probably spawn on the top floor or the other side leading to interesting games Forge techniques used interlocking save and quit imovable objects budget glitch gravity lift stuff resistance switch
Looks like a nice map with some good gameplay and a nice layout. I'm not worried about it, but the boxes aren't interlocked in some places. Things I am concerned about, however, is that the area seems VERY small, possibly a 1v1 or doubles map only? The elevator picture of it going up shows it sideways, which in some cases can cause the players shields to be depleted, making for an easy kill. Are there other ways to get up to the top? It might seem easy to camp on the top level if the elevators are the only way up. Maybe add a deployable grav lift somewhere to the player can get up wherever they want if a person is camping? Otherwise, if those 2 (potential) problems are fixed, great map!
i actually thought this was a remake of high ground until i read your post. is there any other way up the 2nd and 3rd floor other than the elevator? other than that nice use of interlocking and having 3 floors in your map alcapawnage sorry posted this right when you did
Wow, this looks like a very good, professional map. The only thing I am concerned about is the elevators. Do they play well and keep the game flowing? It seems as though once they get to the top there will be some impatience waiting for them to respawn. Edit: Dear God, I just got triple ninja'd.
yes there are ways up to get to the second floor you can take the stairs or jump up the dumpster and you can get to the top floor by jumping off a crate and yes there is plenty of interlocking
Nice dude! I was immediately interested by the pics and everything looks great. I love the layout and will definately download, q'ued.
nice job with the elevator switch, and incorporating it into the map. Also, nice diagrams, I'll get back with more when I've seen it in action.
Tork232...Why was that necessary? This map looks interesting from the pics. Descriptions a little confusing, but I managed.
some places look not very neat... but when i saw the words higher ground i though you meant it was a high ground reimagined type thing!! ah well... you should make shafts for the boxes to they go up smoothly
i ended up figuring it out, but it took a sec, the 3 maps showing 1st/2nd/3rd floor are kinda confusing...the elevator looks like it could use a shaft to go up (no innuendo you pervs out there), and besides that everything looks allright, btw, i like the deployable covers, they are always a nice touch to pathways
Impressive looking map. Like some others have said, I'm only concerned about the playability of the elevators. Pulling them off for actual use in a map is somewhat noteworthy. I wanna DL and see if you did it. Looks nice, though.