Sovereinty Weapons: BRs Snipers Carbons Missile Pods Rocket launchers Spartan Laser Maulers Needlers Equipment: Power Drains Bubble Sheilds Plasma grenades frags Camo Oversheild Vehicles: Choppers Ghosts Banshee(Symetrical) Hornet(Asymetrical) Mongooses Turret Warthogs Wrath GAMETYPES: CTF TEAM SLAYER NUETRAL BOMB RECOMMENDED PLAYERS: 10-16 PLAYERS By: MASTER016 & Hadokenchild Thanks to all the testers and NONDUALS CUSTOM GAMES SOVEREINTY
Glad to see you finally posted this, Master. I never got to test this final version but from what I remember playing, I can say that you've improved a lot. I'm going to request this map next time Nondual is running customs so I can see how it plays for myself.
i would to but i remember the map was to fantastical and peoples connections couldnt handle it and nondual was disappointed in the connection but for me the map didnt lag at all once but maybe the connection will be better next time thanks by the way for all the feedback u gave me
Finally, the map that almost never was XD. Glad to see you posted this. This thing has been in the works for forever. I've lost track of all the different versions of this map (I think we were up to 8), but I'm glad that this is finished and ready to go. You're gonna hate me for bringing it up, but I still wish that we closed the hole in the center if the red mid structure. Other than that, I think this should play well. I hope everyone enjoys it.
i hate this jk.. I probably played like 3-4 different versions... I loved the cannon mans that shot you from side to side...They are awesome. the looks are pleasing and game play is really balanced and shows what a real big team map is supposed to fell like. Love the game.
I'm still blown away by the fact that you guys moved the entire blue base off the dune, that had to be quite the task. Regardless, this map plays really well, hopefully in Reach the two of you will be able to recreate it with all the ideas that Halo 3 couldn't handle intact.
This is one of the most amazing looking maps I've ever seen. The aesthetic blow me away. And unfortunately as you mentioned above, it is literally too awesome for Halo 3 to handle. But we definitely need to play this at least one more time, and I'm really hoping you make a sequel to this in Reach. It's been awesome having you in the games, and I look forward to many more with you in the future!
It has been posted. And it looks better than ever. I like the forerunner architecture and this looks fun, invite me if your ever playing it and I'll gladly join!
yay nondual loves the map more now,fortunatly we had a awesome host and we had vertually no lag on the map the other night and i must say it played awesome and everyone seemed to love it i loved the cannonmans to hopefully u tryed the lift with the chopper it amazing and yes noxiw i was pretty annoying to get it virtually staight but i did it and hadokin like the work i did on it and that in my book is a win
really badass big team map, but i still dont get why people make bigger and bigger maps with less and less people playing halo.
well i couldnt find the right stuctures to make me happy and i took a long time to post the map the map has been getting worked on for over a year at least 10 versions or more and i finally got the time to post it
The map can out fantastic! The combination of two great forgers equals one outstanding map, with which you two did not dissapoint. I really admired the amount of aesthetic detail done in the base specailly. It just looks really nice and makes this map stand out from others.