
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by CjayS42, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

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    Created by ceejayess00

    Backstory (optional)

    Lt. Kane flourished a set of blueprint onto the table, displaying Mac’s new objective.
    “This,” he began slowly. “Is your new target.”
    Mac curiously peered onto the sheets, lit brightly under a desk lamp in the dark room. He leant on the table to get a closer look.
    “This? Doesn’t look like much” Mac replied honestly.
    “ha-ha, she’ll fool ya!” Kane joked. “ a forerunner building”
    Mac passed a surprised look to the lieutenant.
    “Yup, Forerunner. Taken down a Forerunner target before?”
    Mac shook his head.
    “Can’t say I have. What kind of target are we talking about here?”
    “Stone. Underground.”
    Mac sighed disappointedly.
    “Don’t worry friend, you won’t need high powered explosives. While the building is stone, if you can place a bomb at the epicentre, the whole thing will collapse.”
    Mac sighed again, this time one of relief. A demolition expert hearing that he doesn’t need to risk is life with high powered explosives is a godsend. Mac now turned his attention to something bothering him.
    “But, if it’s underground, why is it significant? And why do i need to blow it up?” questioned Mac.
    “Spartans. That’s why. It was once of one of their training facilities. You know the drill with Spartan training facilities don’t you?”
    “Routine demolition,” replied Mac, almost automatically.
    “But this won’t be any normal demolition. No simple walk to the point and place the bomb. This will take something...more...”
    “The Spartans used it for mental tests. They weren’t just super strong soldiers you know!” he joked. “A good leader also needs wit and intelligence. The Forerunners built this maze for testing their own mental capabilities. The Spartans adopted it for the same purpose. You’re gonna have to figure out how to get through, then plant the bomb.”
    “I’m gonna have to raze the maze...”

    Map Description

    This is my first map, Subterfuge. It's a complicated puzzle map, with many complicated and varying puzzles. The end may seem a little bit rushed, as i never had enough time to properly finish it. However, it still plays perfectly fine. I have tried to u se interlocking, but i'm not perfect with it, so the map may be slightly uneaven in some places, but it doesn't effect gameplay at all.

    Your Target

    The entryway

    Déjà vu


    One of the many rooms

    Thanks for taking your time to check out this map! please, tell me what you think and thanks for playing!
    Also, i don't think i've uploaded the Map/gametype correctly, please tell me if i haven't.

    Download Subterfuge

    Download Raze the maze

    Part one
    When you begin the map, you will notice a hole in the end of the hall and a man cannon. This is not your exit. Instead, look to the small crack in the wall to your right. You cannot fit through there yet, but you will later. You will need a mongoose. Directly behind you is a mongoose on an elevated ledge. You can't jump up there, so we will need to find a way to get up there, namely something to stand on.

    Look to the wall on your left. If you look up, there is a small legde. not enough to stand on, but enough to hide an assault rifle. Jump up and grab it. When you have it, look through the crack, to the upper left. You may see the corner of a fusion coil. I often see it by placing my back against the block where the mognoose is sitting on , and move left/right until i get a clear view. Shoot assault rifle ammo into it until it falls. When it does, it will explode. This explosion will set of another fusion coil, which in turn will knock a giant golf ball. This will shove it into a set of man cannons, eventually reaching the hole at the end of the hall and into your possession. Roll the ball into a good place where you can stand on it, and jump onto the mongoose ledge. You may need to repeatedly hit the jump button. When you have the 'goose, drive it off the legde an align the left side of it until it is hugging against the wall with the crack. Drive it until yourself on the mongoose is aligned with the crack itself. When you jump off, you will appear on the other side of the crack. You will now be in a small boxed off room. By now, the fusion coil you shot before will have respawned. Either shoot it with your shotty, to knock off the needler infront of it, or try to jump and reach the needler. When you have it, walk up to a wall, look down (about 45 degrees) and shoot. The needles should reflect off the wall and into you. Shoot until you die. You may need to readjust your angle. Congratulations! you have completed the first challenge!

    Part two
    You will respawn in a large room, with a ramp to the left. Walk halfway up the ramp and turn around. You will notice a platform. Use the ramp’s elevated height to jump onto it. There will be a much needed assault rifle on top. When you have it, fall off and climb up the ramp again, this time to the top. Turn right, fall off and walk up to the wall. On the other side will be a turret, which you can activate. Do so, and let go, NOT RIP OFF TURRET. You will be on the other die of the wall. You may need to move left and right to find the turret. You will now be in a room full of teleporters.
    There will be four, two receiver nodes and two entry nodes, one in a doorway and one behind a shield door. Progress through the one behind the shield door. You will find yourself in a hallway, leading to a bridge of shield doors. Obviously, you will fall through if you try to cross it. Instead, look up. On the ceiling will be a hole covered by pallets. DO NOT DESTROY THE PALLETS YET. Instead, jump up and access the mongoose above them. You will be in a small roofless room. Get off the mongoose and jump on top of it. Then, jump off the mongoose onto the walls surrounding you. Now, while on top of these walls, destroy the pallets. Turn around until on the opposite side of the bridge is a platform containing fusion coils. Your objective is to destroy them with your assault rifle, but watch out, you will have limited time (about 30-45 seconds) to complete this next section. Destroy the fusion coils, board the mongoose, get a good run up and ride the mongoose across the bridge. Leave it at the other end and enter the teleporter. You will be in a new double sided room, but you can’t reach the other side. Push the golf ball down the chute in front of you. Use it to block one of the receiver nodes. Repeatedly walk through the teleporter in the doorway until you appear on the platform behind the bridge. You are no longer timed from this point.
    Walk through the teleporter in front of you and you will appear at the other end of the double sided room. Push the golf ball in front of you down the chute. Place it on the empty receiver node. When the fusion coils behind the blue bridge have respawned and both the receiver nodes n the teleporter room are covered with golf balls, then the teleporter in the door way has no-where to take you. Walk through it and you won’t be teleported, instead accessing the room behind it. Enter the new teleporter.

    Part three

    Now, you will have appeared inside a room which we shall call, for reference, the range. It is called this, because there is a slit in the wall ahead, and a fusion coil you must shoot behind it. But, do not shoot it yet, as with your current weapons it will fall. You will need a more powerful weapon. Behind the upper part of the wall to the right of the slit is a mongoose. Jump up and try to access it, to teleport through the wall.
    This is the confusing part. You will be on a mongoose, in a very small room. We will call the wall which you came from the south wall for reference. The mongoose allows you to glitch through any of the walls here. To glitch through the walls, align the mongoose so that the left side of the mongoose is perfectly flat along the wall you wish to glitch through and the rear of the mongoose is also flat against another wall. Then, jump off the mongoose to glitch through. Glitch through the north or east walls to find yourself in an L shaped room. Near the east side is a Battle rifle. Pick it up and return to your mongoose, through the wall you glitched through. Now, return to the range.
    Shoot the fusion coil with the BR. If it explodes, return to the mongoose and glitch through the west wall. If the fusion coil falls off, wait until it respawns and try again. After glitching through the west wall, you will fall into a familiar room. The room in which you killed yourself in part one of the tutorial. Kill yourself as described in the first part of the tutorial.
    #1 CjayS42, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2010
  2. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks pretty neat. I like how you gave very little information and pictures of the map to make us want to download it and find out for ourselves. Oh, and btw, your links to your map and gametype are working fine. No worries, be happy! :D
  3. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

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    well, thats a relief! thanks for checking out my map!
  4. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    WHOA this is hard. I just tried the 1st challenge..... I haven't completed it yet. How the heck am I supposed to get that mongoose down from there? I can't 'nade jump (no 'nades), I can't shoot it out (I blew it up by accident try to use my shotty, I had to restart) and I've tried using the man-cannons force and try to trick jump my way up there; it didn't work. Can you make a walkthrough or PM me about how to finish the start of it? Thanks.
  5. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

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    Added part one of the tutorial, i'll update more when i get a chance. Thanks for playing!
    oh...and i can't wait until you get to the Blue bridge of fail >:D
    Hope the tutorial helps!
  6. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    LOL I just read it.... I'd never find that out on my own :p

    EDIT: The 'blue bridge of death' was easy..... now I'm in the blue room of BR and smallness :mad: If that little very small tunnel in the corner was my way out, I can't get into it. I'm too tall (**** you 7 foot tall spartans!)
    #6 LRMAN0989, Jul 25, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 25, 2010
  7. xImxGaarax

    xImxGaarax Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cant get past the deja vu room or whatever i cant block both teleporters... if thats what im supposed to do?
  8. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

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    I've updated the tutorial, check it out and it'll tell you!
    Tell me if it's not clear enough and thanks for playing!
  9. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    LOL I still can't figure out what to do in the blue room of BR :p Now I need part 3 of the tutorial :p
  10. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

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    Don't know if you've checked it out yet, but part three of the tutorial is up
  11. Csquared

    Csquared Forerunner

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    OMG so many power drains.. the power drain pile of fail double jumps....thank you kind sir for this chapter of my life..
    OMG, I was in the wrong room....a weapon holder/ grenade?
    EDIT #3: Completed. Nice map. :)
  12. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

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    Thanks for playing! did you find it difficult? easy?
  13. Csquared

    Csquared Forerunner

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    For your first puzzle map, it was very good! I found myself knowing what to do most of the time though, since a lot of the concepts are shared between many puzzle maps. Mongoose/turret to glitch through walls, radar jammer to double jump to higher ledge, etc. But the forging/merging was great, and the challenges were different from one another, which is good. I really liked the blue bridge; It was rather easy, but the concept was pretty cool. I'm very excited to see the next puzzle from you. May it leave me stumped forever!
  14. CjayS42

    CjayS42 Forerunner

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    Really? i thought the merging was a bit wonky in places...but hey, if you like it!
    I have a few ideas for a new puzzle, but this one took me nearly forever to complete, so it may take a while

    thanks for playing!
  15. n8dogg123

    n8dogg123 Forerunner

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    bro, this is ur fist puzzle to make and my fist to play, u have really outdone urself, i had sooooo much fun playing that map and at times it made me go crazy! i spent probably 3 hours total trying to finish it, anyways, good job man, ur a genius;)

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