I was thinking about using that waterfall in the ViDoc but I thought about it and if someone had a jet back and they could reach the bottom without falling to there death. Is there some sort of death barrier object? Are there many out of bound objects that try to retain players?
Yes, there are two types of death barriers, ones that give a warning like "You have 10 seconds to return to play" or whatever and the other ones that instantly kill you.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those were both completely unnecessary. Care to elaborate on your previous comment? Otherwise I request a lock.
Sorry... I meant thanks for the info. Halo: Reach is going to be a success!! I mean really. Some of my friends say that Reach is failure and they overdid the game.... Idk how they could think like that.
Since this thread is concerning death barriers, I have a very hard to answer question to ask of you all. If you have 2 soft barriers ( the 10 seconds to return stuff ) next to each other like so: | | | | | | facing back to back, would the warning go away when you pass through the second barrier?
Inb4lock... This thread is pointless. Just use the searchbar next time. Or you could even Google your question, and I'm sure you'd come up with tons of answers. As of now you're just flooding this discussion section with pointless questions that could have been answered already if you'd just look at the other threads in this section. Look before you post please. Thanks and have a great day!